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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 60


Chapter 60 The masses

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There was a road from the Purple Bamboo Forest to Shangyang Peak’s cave residence.

Xu Jing asked, “Don’t lie to me. When did you find time to go to the Consulate Hall and get a mission as soon as you came back? What’s the benefit of delaying for three days? It’s better to agree now because fewer people will see if you lose. You know Xiao Chen well, he’ll make it widely known within three days.”

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirt...

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

Pei Jing wasn’t scared of a junior disciple. “Let him spread it. If he wants to make a big deal about recognizing his father, I’ll go along with it.”

Xu Jing’s eye twitched. “Fine, I’ll wait.”

Zhang Yiming had a kind of confidence that puzzled and fascinated him.

This youth always stood out in Yinghui Peak.

Compared to Chu Junyu’s cold indifference, he made a more vivid and genuine impression. Like a shining light. A powerful light, used to people’s expectations and stares.

Xu Jing was curious. “Your name is Zhang Yiming, but I’ve never heard of a Zhang family in the cultivation world of Canghua Continent.”

“Well, it’s just a small family, no wonder you haven’t heard of it.”

The Pei family of Canghua, a small and insignificant aristocratic family. It would probably go unnoticed by the people of the whole continent.

Xu Jing asked with doubt, “Is that so?”

Pei Jing changed the subject and looked at the bundle of purple shoots in his arms. He laughed and said, “Forget about me, just look at yourself. Is this all you’re capable of? Xiao Chen is so arrogant that he openly disdains all of you. Don’t you want to work harder in your cultivation and teach him a lesson?”

Xu Jing held the bundle of purple shoots, touched his nose, and smiled shyly but with a refreshing demeanor. “What’s the point of teaching him a lesson? Others have opportunities that we can’t compare to.”

As he said this, he furrowed his brow and started sighing lightly and deeply.

“During my time on Shangyang Peak, I actually learned a lot. For example, many decisions have to be made by yourself. On Shangyang Peak, I saw too many people who couldn’t make progress and remained stuck until they died. Immortality is distant, and Foundation Establishment is beyond our reach. Since we all have to die and life is short and full of suffering, we might as well enjoy it while we can.”

“Did you join Yunxiao just to enjoy life?”

Xu Jing’s eyes widened, looked at him slowly, and then spoke slowly, “No, actually, I was forced into it.”

Pei Jing raised an eyebrow.

“My family can be considered a moderate-sized cultivation family, with strict rules and a hierarchy where the strong are respected and the weak are enslaved. If I want to ensure a better life for my mother in the family, I have to come to Yunxiao.”

Xu Jing’s expression showed a hint of nostalgia and sadness. “At that time, I thought that by becoming a disciple of Yunxiao, there wouldn’t be any cunning servants at home bullying her.”

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