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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 14


Chapter 14 Baby

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The old man didn’t bother to listen carefully to what he was saying. He glanced around, then spoke, “Seems like I’ve come across someone like that on my way here. Stick with me, and I’ll take you to find him.”

Pei Jing let out a laugh and replied, “Alright.”

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

The elderly man held a basket and walked leisurely towards the depths of the mountain range. His walking style was somewhat strange, with wide strides and a swaying motion from side to side. However, what truly captured Pei Jing’s attention was the basket he cradled in his arms, treating it like a precious treasure.

The basket was draped in a layer of black cloth, and faint traces of red leaked from its edges, reminiscent of blood.

As they ventured further into the dense forest, the fog gradually thickened, becoming so dense that they couldn’t see anything in front of them.

Pei Jing pretended to be afraid and said, “Why do I feel like there’s something sinister about this place?”

The old man hummed and retorted, “What’s so sinister about it? You youngsters are easily frightened. I’ve been roaming around this mountain every day and haven’t come across anything.”

Pei Jing became intrigued and inquired, “What do you do in the mountains every day?”

The old man leading the way stumbled, taking a while to respond, “We gather fruits and spiritual mushrooms to sell. It’s how our village sustains itself. Didn’t you see it when you arrived? At the mountain range’s entrance, it’s called Mutou Village. Selling timber and medicinal herbs has been our family’s livelihood for generations. We know this terrain like the back of our hands.”

Pei Jing’s gaze remained unaffected by the fog’s concealment.

As they ventured deeper, the old man’s appearance grew increasingly peculiar. His head gradually flattened, the exposed skin turned bluish-black, coated in slime. Between his palms, translucent webbing even began to emerge. It seemed like he had recently undergone a transformation and couldn’t resist revealing his true form once he returned home.

“I see,” Pei Jing asked the crucial question, “So, the spiritual mushrooms in your basket are meant for selling?”

The toad spirit had returned to the depths of the mountain range, feeling contented yet eerie. “Yes, but they must be fresh.”

Pei Jing joyfully exclaimed, “That’s fantastic! The Elder assigned us the task of collecting spiritual mushrooms, but I couldn’t find a single one. Can I buy some from you?”

The toad spirit’s mouth watered, almost drooling. “Of course, come over here.”

A putrid odor filled the mist, accompanied by faint popping sounds of bubbles bursting. The path beneath their feet became muddy and unpleasant.

Pei Jing observed it clearly— the toad spirit resumed its original form, a half-person-tall creature covered in pus-filled blisters.

With its eyes bloodshot, it crouched in a marshy area, patiently awaiting his arrival.

Just one step ahead lay the swamp. It was a murky and foul place, with a dark red hue. Thick bubbles rolled and churned within it, surrounded by a grim pile of bleached bones, a testament to the lives it had claimed.

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