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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 57


Chapter 57 Zhongnan Peak

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Pei Jing reached Shangyang Peak. As soon as he stepped into the mountain’s embrace, the Master of Shangyang Peak immediately sensed his presence. Adjusting his garments, he personally emerged to greet him. Elder Qidan, the Peak Master of Shangyang Peak, was among the senior members of the seventy-two Outer Peak Masters.

Being at the mid-stage of Golden Core, he dedicated himself to honing both swordsmanship and alchemy. Clad in a simple yellow robe, an aroma of medicinal herbs always lingered around him.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

Pei Jing assigned Ji Wuyou to stay in this place, primarily because it was his rightful home in Shangyang Peak, and secondly, to avail the healing prowess of Elder Qidan.

“How is the young disciple faring?”

Descending gracefully from his sword, Pei Jing inquired directly.

“Senior Brother Pei,” despite the Elder’s several hundred years of seniority, etiquette demanded that he still address him as Senior Brother. Upon hearing Pei Jing’s inquiry, Elder Qidan wrinkled his brow slightly and replied, “The situation is rather delicate. I performed an extensive purification process on him and administered some incense to ensure temporary slumber.”

Pei Jing’s face contorted. “Is it a grave matter then?”

He believed that according to Yu Qinglian’s explanation, Ji Wuyou might have some minor psychological issues. However, he never anticipated that his physical condition would also be affected.

Elder Qidan let out a sigh, a deep seriousness etched on his face. “His internal true essence is in disarray, teetering on the edge of explosion. It’s highly perilous. Despite my extensive investigation, I haven’t been able to identify the root cause.”

Pei Jing furrowed his brow even more deeply. Ji Wuyou possessed the blood of a Demon Lord, and his true essence was inherently different from that of ordinary individuals. However, was it too early for such signs to manifest? He distinctly recalled that in the novel, Ji Wuyou’s awakening occurred after enduring nine hundred and eighty-one days of merciless torment at the hands of Pei Yuzhi.

An unsettling feeling surged. “First, take me to see him.”

“Certainly.” Elder Qidan led him towards the main hall, providing details along the way. “When the disciple fell unconscious, a strange phenomenon occurred. His body would emanate intense heat, a searing sensation similar to being subjected to scorching flames.”

“How intense was the heat?”

“It reached temperatures similar to the forging and alchemical processes. Numerous times, I feared for his life.”

Pei Jing nodded solemnly. “I understand.”

Deep within the recesses of Shangyang Peak’s main hall, Pei Jing finally laid eyes on Ji Wuyou once more. The chubby boy had endured considerable suffering, his face now displaying signs of emaciation. Lying on the bed, he remained curled up, drenched in perspiration. Even in his dreams, it seemed as if he were undergoing excruciating and despairing trials. Teeth clenched, quivering breaths, his feeble hands tightly clenched.

“Has he regained consciousness once again?”

Elder Qidan furrowed his brow, turning around to ignite several sticks of soul-soothing incense within the chamber. The fragrance carried a subtle tinge of bitterness.

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