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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 61


Chapter 61 Eighth Rank Swordsmanship

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Feng Jin stood up abruptly, slamming his hand on the table. “Pei Yuzhi! Who are you calling someone with messed-up ideas about love?”

Wu Sheng, always the peacemaker, let out a sigh and pulled on Feng Jin’s sleeve. “Why don’t you sit down for a moment?”

Ji Wuduan chimed in coolly, “If you want to fight, take it outside. Don’t get the rest of us in trouble.”

It was said that when Feng Jin was born and opened his eyes, he had a fiery passion burning within him, reminiscent of the tale of the Three Thousand Tribulations. It was likely why the young Phoenix Emperor often had a fiery look in his eyes at the Institute of Celestial Ascension.

Pei Jing wasn’t specifically targeting him. It was always Feng Jin who started the trouble.

Fortunately, Wu Sheng’s good-natured presence prevented them from coming to blows in the end.

However, this topic inevitably led to discussions about human emotions and desires.

The young and admired Yu Qinglian, the sole woman among them, carried herself with grace. Resting her cheek on her hand and toying with a maple leaf, she said, “What’s the big deal? A cultivation partner is just a companion on the path of cultivation, no different from a friend or family. As for my expectations, their talent should be at least equal to mine, and their appearance shouldn’t be inferior. Otherwise, I’m afraid they might feel inadequate and create a rift between us.”

Feng Jin laughed, “Almost everyone with talent not inferior to yours is already in the Institute of Celestial Ascension.”

Yu Qinglian released her hand from her cheek and turned her head.

Feng Jin responded, “Not me. I prefer someone gentle. If you want to be the future Phoenix Empress, you’ll have to wait until your next life.”

Pei Jing found it amusing and leaned back lazily, adding, “Don’t fall in love with me. it won’t lead to anything.”

Yu Qinglian let out a soft laugh.

Wu Sheng shook his head with a smile. “Qinglian will become the future Island Lord of Yingzhou. She won’t leave Yingzhou for anyone.”

Yu Qinglian turned her head and said, “Wu Sheng, why remind them? Let them continue their daydreams. Am I crazy? Marry those talented youths outside? One is wastrel, and the other is a libertine.”

Feng Jin’s eyes turned dark and filled with anger as he spoke each word, “A wastrel?”

Yu Qinglian tilted her head, the golden autumn shining outside the window, her smile carrying a hint of mockery. “Do you have no sense of what it means to be a wastrel? Remember what you said that night while drunk? ‘As long as I have a beautiful woman. I don’t care about the kingdom. I can turn the world upside down with a smile.’ My my, I’ve never seen such a reckless emperor in the mortal realm. If I were to tell the Institute of Celestial Ascension about this, I wonder how many feathers would be left in your phoenix plumage.”

Feng Jin: “……”

He would forever despise alcohol in this lifetime.

Pei Jing expressed dissatisfaction, “I agree if you call him a wastrel. But explain why you label me a libertine.”

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