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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 43


Chapter 43 Ji Wuyou’s encounter

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Ji Wuyou felt like he was surrounded by intense flames. His mind broke apart as a surge of adrenaline flowed through him.

The pain was unbearable. He let out a loud cry as he lowered himself to a crouching position.

Phrases to Speak Chinese Fluently - Part 23

His body felt as if his meridians were cut off, but somehow new strength began to emerge, transforming him from within.

The young man who emerged from the statue spoke, “I’ve been watching you ever since you entered here—foolish, weak, and incapable. You lack confidence and courage. What makes you think you deserve what you desire?”

“Brainless and mediocre. Except for a unique physique, everything else is ordinary.”

He spoke with a sense of finality, his words as cold as ice, leaving no room for argument.

“In this lifetime, achieving greatness is a challenging task.”

The young man casually spun the pen in his hand, a slight mocking smile on his pale, unhealthy face.

It wasn’t meant to inspire or teach him. It was just someone’s outside view of him.

“Ji Wuyou, what makes you deserve to live?”

Like a picky god.

The Zhuangyuan Temple was pitch black, with no one around. He crouched in front of the statue, suffering from a splitting headache. What made him deserve to live? It was the first time someone had asked him such a question. But it seemed like he had been pondering the answer for a long time.

What made him deserve to live? If luck hadn’t been on his side, he would have died many times already.

When his mother was alive, she said that on the night he was born, there were thunderstorms, darkness filled the sky, and the wild creatures in the mountains howled anxiously and fearfully all day long, nearly scaring away the midwife.

Luckily, he was born with a faint golden glow around him.

His mother said it was a sign of blessings. But the villagers cursed him, because that night, all the village’s livestock died suddenly. And indeed, he had the same effect—bringing misfortune to his parents and everything around him.

What he loved would always die, and what he possessed would immediately vanish.

It was as if he was cursed, held by an unseen reaper gripping his neck. But it never followed through.

As a child, he was pushed into the water by other kids from the village. A water spirit grabbed his leg and dragged him down. The water was freezing and murky, and the surroundings were chaotic. He saw the swollen and horrifying face of the water spirit. He thought he would meet his end, but he didn’t. When he woke up, he was lying on the shore, his clothes dry, as if it had all been a nightmare. On another night, a venomous snake slithered into his bed, its fangs pressing against his skin, but suddenly, the snake froze and remained motionless. The same inexplicable things happened while walking on the road—stones would randomly fall, and he would encounter peculiar-looking individuals.

This streak of misfortune vanished mysteriously when he turned five.

But even without the curse, his existence was bewildering and pitiful.

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