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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 36


Chapter 36 Wuwang Peak

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Staring at the statue for an extended period of time made one feel sick or languid.

The statue’s facial features were unhealthy, with a dull expression, as if its lifewould be short-lived.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

Pei Jing candidly remarked, “This God of Literature looks like a delicate scholar.”

Even the passing old lady’s gaze lingered on the statue, filled with awe and fascination. “Scholars don’t need to toil like us, it doesn’t matter if they have physical weaknesses.”

Pei Jing simply smiled and commented, “It’s not about physical weakness.” It seems to me that his life is short and he might have perished prematurely.

Naturally, he couldn’t say these words, as it would result in being punished.

The Zhuangyuan Temple, in contrast, had a steady stream of incense burning, and the offerings of chicken, duck, and fish were neatly arranged. After observing, Yu Qinglian chose to stay, while Pei Jing departed with the old lady.

He lowered his head, observing the old lady’s rough, calloused hands as they walked along the mountain path. Curiosity prompted him to ask, “I’ve heard people mention that the scholars here will eventually return. Why haven’t I seen a single one?” The old lady, carrying a basket in one hand, chuckled in response, “Oh, they all return on their deathbeds. How could you possibly encounter them?”

Pei Jing grew curious. “They come back before their death?”

The old lady nodded and explained, “Yes, before passing away, those with children send their young grandchildren to be raised by relatives. It’s an old village tradition. When I got married here, my third uncle had become a scholar that year. And twenty years later, he returned and entrusted me with his young grandsons.”

Pei Jing noticed her modest appearance and couldn’t help but remark, “Forgive me for being straightforward, but why didn’t your successful third uncle ever offer any support?”

The old lady hesitated and tried to brush it off, but their eyes met.

Suddenly, a sharp pang pierced her, leaving her momentarily blank.

She forced a stiff smile, then relaxed and sighed. “In our village, there were two kinds of people: locals and outsiders. Once they achieved success and left, they were no longer considered locals. Their wealth and glory became their own affairs, unrelated to us.”

Pei Jing: “Then why do you go to great lengths to encourage your descendants to study?”

The old lady: “We seek the favor of the God of Literature, hoping for its blessings. There was a year when some ignorant outsiders disrupted the Night of Wishes, causing turmoil. The God of Literature grew furious and didn’t choose anyone. As expected, that year, all the candidates failed. And for the following three years, our village faced various natural disasters… My youngest son passed away during that time.”

Affected by a mild Soul-Capturing Technique, the old lady’s gaze became distant as they continued walking. She decided to reveal everything she knew.

“My grandfather once told me that centuries ago, we sought refuge deep in the forest. The Demon Lord of Wuwang Peak discovered our presence but was unable to reach us after being restrained outside the Zhuangyuan Temple. The statue of the God of Literature saved us all, and as a token of gratitude, the village was named ‘Zhuangyuan Village.'”

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