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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 56


Chapter 56 Give it a try

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Chen Xu felt insulted, thinking that his intelligence was being mocked. “Big Brother?”

Pei Jing got angry and pushed Chen Xu back. “Why do you care so much? We’re almost at the Sect Master’s chamber. Can you go in there? Just leave quickly.”

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Chen Xu was still shocked and kept turning his head, looking at the man in the distance with silver hair and a black robe. He was shocked for two reasons. First, Pei Yuzhi, who was known for being fiery, actually acknowledged someone as his elder brother. Second, someone as disliked as Pei Yuzhi had someone who considered him a younger brother.

“No, let me see your big brother.”

Upon hearing this, Pei Jing became furious, covered Chen Xu’s eyes forcefully, and made him turn around. “What’s there to see? Haven’t you seen other people before?”

Chen Xu’s head was forcefully held down, preventing him from turning around. With Pei Yuzhi pulling him forward, he blindly bumped into a pillar. The nearby flowers splashed water over him.

“Alright, alright.” Chen Xu startled, pulled Pei Jing’s hand away from his eyes. “Alright, I won’t look.”

“Hurry back to your Wenzhen Peak. Why are you so idle?”

Chen Xu almost couldn’t catch his breath.

Why was he sitting here so early on this freezing Tianqian Peak today?

Every day he was blocked at the door answering questions, while he had no idea where this jerk was enjoying himself.

Chen Xu was furious, gritting his teeth and said, “You’re a real dog!”

Pei Jing couldn’t help but laugh and patted Chen Xu’s shoulder. “Good job these past few days. Actually, you’re the true Sect Master. I’ll make sure Master rewards you properly when the time comes.”

Chen Xu rolled his eyes. Pei Yuzhi had been spoiled since he was a cub. Chen Xu had almost gotten used to it, but it was about time those who admired him saw his true nature.

With a cold laugh, Chen Xu said, “You better think about how not to get punished by Master.” He turned around and left, brushing his sleeves.

Chen Xu didn’t believe Pei Jing’s claim about Chu Junyu disappearing. They grew up together, and he knew Pei Yuzhi well. Even if Pei Yuzhi had some bias against Chu Junyu, he wouldn’t let him get hurt.

As for why it was being kept a secret, maybe Pei Yuzhi had his own reasons.

After seeing off Chen Xu, Pei Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to face Chu Junyu, a smile appearing on his face. “Let me take you into the hall first.”

However, Chu Junyu ignored his attempt to change the subject and calmly said, “Shouldn’t you be calling me Big Brother?”

Pei Jing tugged at the corner of his mouth, pretending not to hear.

As they walked forward, the mist parted, revealing a suspended pavilion at the end.

“This is the place where I lived during my childhood, Wuya Pavilion. The name ‘Wuya’ means ‘boundless’ or ‘endless,’ but I’m not sure which predecessor chose it.”

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