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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 45


Chapter 45 Zhao Youqing

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Pei Jing walked towards the lively center of the village, but the more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong. It had been four hundred years, and the small village he remembered had grown beyond his expectations. When he entered Zhonglian Village, he followed a slightly sloping path. The ground beneath his feet felt strange, making cracking sounds. The old trees nearby were twisted, their withered leaves frozen on the branches, refusing to fall.

As he walked further, his view improved a bit.

Husband and Wife are of the Same Mind Chapter 1

He saw neatly arranged tombstones on the side of the road, within the dark forest.

He stopped and looked back, not surprisingly finding the spot he had stepped on. The thin layer of soil had revealed a pile of white human bones.

The road into the village was made from stacked dead bodies.

Pei Jing had seen a bustling village center from afar, but once he stepped inside the village, everything vanished.

The lighting was poor, and the nearby houses looked like dark, dormant beasts.

Pei Jing didn’t want to start a fire, afraid it might disturb some ghosts or demons hiding in the dark. It was better to be careful when arriving in a new place. This village was busy like a small town, with houses gathered together on both sides, leaving a street in the middle.

He was walking on that street now.

The street had many paper cutouts and lanterns. The paper cutouts were shaped like little people, with red mouths drawn on them, which looked creepy. The lanterns were white, with a bit of red marks on them, like blood.

Pei Jing paid close attention and confirmed that it was human blood, probably about five or six days old.

Pei Jing: Are there still living people in this village of the dead?

Before he could finish wondering, he heard the sound of drums and gongs behind him. A trail of blue and red smoke drifted towards him.

The empty street suddenly became filled with a wedding procession?

Pei Jing looked around and quickly climbed onto a rooftop. He crouched behind a chimney and looked down at them.

As it turned out, it wasn’t a wedding procession but a funeral procession.

Amidst the red smoke and blue mist, the drums and gongs echoed loudly. From the end of the street, a slowly approaching coffin came into view. The coffin was being dragged along. At first, Pei Jing thought it was a dog pulling the coffin, but as it got closer, he realized it was a person. The person crawled on the ground, supporting their body, with a rope tightly wrapped around their neck, connected to the coffin.

Beside the coffin, a group of people dressed in all white held the drums and gongs. They were thin, with pale gray skin, and had blank expressions as they walked forward. From the coffin, there were occasional sounds of nails scratching and faint cries of despair, sharp and filled with hopelessness.

Pei Jing: This is strange, why are they all living dead?

The so-called living dead were actually still alive, just missing their seven souls and six spirits.

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