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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 52


Chapter 52 Yingzhou’s Elder

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She supported Wu Sheng as they left the village, traveling tirelessly until they finally reached a riverbank.

Yu Qinglian frowned and asked, “How do you feel?”

Wu Sheng’s face turned pale. He didn’t reply but found comfort in a grove by the river. He leaned against a tree, closed his eyes, and focused on circulating his inner energy. His life force was feeble, and Yu Qinglian couldn’t leave his side in this dangerous moment. She stood quietly behind him, ready to protect him from the lurking spirits.

Suddenly, the sky unleashed a torrential rain, pitch black like spilled ink, filled with malice and resentment.

The entire world became engulfed in a gloomy darkness.

Yu Qinglian furrowed her brow even more. She conjured a red umbrella with a wave of her hand, shielding Wu Sheng, creating a serene bubble amidst the chaos. The tinkling bells on the umbrella danced lightly with the wind, causing the monk’s eyelashes to flutter.

Soon, Wu Sheng clutched his chest and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

“How are you?” Yu Qinglian crouched down, concerned.

Wu Sheng slowly opened his eyes, meeting Yu Qinglian’s worried expression. He shook his head and said, “Shu Yan isn’t nearby, so its effect is weak. My relic protects me and disperses some of the evil energy. I should be fine.”

Yu Qinglian let out a breath of relief and replied, “Good.”

Wu Sheng gazed at her, his eyes a gentle golden hue filled with concern and pity. “Go back quickly. He’s been waiting for you for a long time.”

Yu Qinglian forced a smile and joked, “So, by taking off your eye veil, you’ve gained super sight?”

Wu Sheng chuckled, but his eyes held a tinge of sadness. “I remember now—the sound of bells. When you led me away, I heard bells ringing in the courtyard. You shouldn’t have bothered with me then. You should have saved him first.”

Yu Qinglian paused, raised her hand, and propped the umbrella on a tree branch. She opened it over Wu Sheng’s head. The light touched the girl’s face, revealing a complicated and cold expression. “It’s not so easy to make choices. I’m just glad it wasn’t Pei Yuzhi and you giving me that decision.”

Wu Sheng remained silent.

Yu Qinglian instructed, “Stay here and wait for me.”

The girl hurriedly left, her white ankles stepping through the muddy black soil. The rain was dark, the river green, and all colors appeared somber and cold. Only her fiery red dress and the shining golden bells stood out.

Making choices was never easy. Abandoning someone was just that—no excuses.

Little Chubby…

Yu Qinglian braved the rain, each droplet chilling her to the bone as it fell on her hair and clothes.

In a low voice, she muttered, “I’m truly sorry.”

Against the rain, she walked along the rushing river, unsure of how long she had been traveling until she returned to her original location. Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a horde of ghosts and demons surged forward. They were grotesque and misshapen, crawling, leaping, and jumping, their eyes ablaze with a crimson hue. Their crazed consciousness directed them towards a singular destination, completely disregarding her presence as they ran in her direction.

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