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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 48


Chapter 48 The Final Eternal Life

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Yu Qinglian.

Yu Qinglian.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

Ji Wuyou’s nose and mouth got tangled in a thick mass of hair, penetrating his skin and drawing blood. He strained his arm, using all his might to make the bell’s sound audible.

Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling.

From a slender thread that unraveled the container’s opening, he fixed his gaze with fiery red eyes on the fading silhouette.

The light was bright, and on the wall, she finally turned around. In her last glance, she looked at this reverse side, her expression concealed in the shadows.

Ji Wuyou’s heart was filled with hope, but before it could surge, a cold splash of water ruthlessly extinguished it.

She leaped off the wall.

Leaped out.

Never returned.


Finally, his arm grew weak, and his fingers loosened, dropping the bell to the ground.

Ji Wuyou’s face lifted, stiff and pale. He stared blankly outside, his eyes bloodshot, devoid of tears. The person inside the container twisted, filling the space and consuming him. Fear had occupied his mind, leaving it blank. He was going to die, to die on this night, inside this container, in the cold grip of despair. He had faced many life-or-death moments as a child, but none had frightened him like this. Maybe it wasn’t fear. It was confusion and dread.

Because… there had been hope once.


Hot tears streamed down. From within the container, he emitted a whimper like a young child. The feeling of suffocation intensified. He and the person inside were skin to skin. Just as he thought he was about to die, suddenly, someone pushed open the wooden lid of the container.

Creaking. The person inside the container trembled, as if encountering something terrifying. The hair retracted, rapidly transforming into a pool of blood. Ji Wuyou survived the ordeal and coughed vigorously, expelling a few long strands of hair that turned into bloodstains on the ground.

Something struck him, bit by bit. He lifted his head in a daze and saw a mass of dark clouds, unleashing rain.

A downpour of black rain, staining the world. He heard distant cries of pain and the frantic movements of countless spirits. The large raindrops pelted his body, causing discomfort, but now he couldn’t feel the pain. The boy slowly rose from the container, his body covered in blood and wounds.

The vast expanse of the sky and earth mirrored the emptiness in his gaze.

In that fleeting moment, so short yet seemingly spanning a lifetime, it granted him transformative memories.

He walked forward aimlessly, lost in thought. At that moment, he heard the voice of that person again.

“So, what is your desire now?”

Emerging from the temple, the jaded youth stepped slowly into the rainy night. Holding a black umbrella, dressed in a plain blue robe, he seemed to blend into the rain, his footsteps treading upon the grass. Blood and rain streamed down Ji Wuyou’s face, his eyes still red, gazing fiercely at him.

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