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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 26


Chapter 26 The real inner demon

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Pei Jing moved forward.

Here, the wind stopped blowing, and the water became calm, sending a cold sensation through his feet. Slowly, the gentle and warm white light on the walls faded away, making everything he saw seem like illusions.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

The Institute of Celestial Ascension was surrounded by green mountains and forests in Yunxiao. Over the course of many years, Pei Jing had traveled across the land, encountering countless challenges and seeking enlightenment. Now, all those memories were concealed in darkness.

Pei Jing came to a halt, feeling a sense of desolation. He whispered softly, “Is it time to take things seriously? Is this the true test of the Chamber of Inner Demons?”

Once again, scenes appeared before him, but this time, each frame was filled with blood, revealing an intense hatred from a distant place that could destroy everything.

It was still Yunxiao, covered in a heavy snowfall that blanketed the long steps. The snow mixed with patches of blood, creating a vivid yet chilling sight.

Pei Jing furrowed his brow, as he had no memory of such a scene.

Soon after, he heard voices approaching.

The branches were frozen with ice and snow as two disciples of Yunxiao crossed the suspension bridge with their swords hanging at their waists. Their voices became indistinct amidst the wind and snow.

“If Sect Master Pei doesn’t come out, Ji Wuyou will continue to kill people. It has been half a month now, and Yunxiao has suffered heavy losses. Some have died, and others have escaped. There can’t be many left. Our once proud and glorious Yunxiao has fallen to such a state.”

The other person remained silent for a long time before asking, “Why don’t you leave?”

The person in front let out a small sigh and said, “Why would I leave? I have no parents or family. Senior Sect Master, the Tianya Daoren, took me in when he was traveling. This place is my home. Where else would I go? And what about you? Why don’t you leave?”

“Me?” The other person’s hand brushed against the sword in their hand as they looked down and said softly, “I don’t want to leave. Somehow, I always feel that Yunxiao’s fate doesn’t end here.”

Shaking his head, the person in front said, “Tianya Daoren met an unfortunate end, and the Institute of Celestial Ascension lost all contact overnight. Now Yunxiao’s survival probably rests on Senior Brother Pei. Elder Chen Xu said he is currently in seclusion, and we don’t know when he will come out. Perhaps only by reaching the Nascent Soul stage can we have a chance to fight against Ji Wuyou.”

As they spoke about Senior Brother Pei, both fell into silence.

The wind and snow continued slowly, filling the air with profound silence.

After a long time, the cultivator on the right said, “Nowadays, everyone outside claims he is a fake gentleman, accusing him of killing the Master and plotting against his disciples, saying he has malicious intentions. But I don’t think he is like that. I joined Yunxiao in the beginning because of him.”

“I come from Shisi Province. My family was mercilessly killed by the demon leader of Wuwang Peak. At that time, the demonic cultivators were running wild, while the neighboring sects turned a blind eye, refusing to intervene in the human tragedy. It was him, passing through, who took it upon himself to ascend Wuwang Peak, slaying every last demon and saving the lives of countless people in the city of Yunzhong. He saved me. As I watched him leave the mountain, I couldn’t help but dream of becoming a person like him someday,” he said, looking up as the fine snowflakes fell into his eyes, painting a grey and hazy scene. He murmured, “How could such a person be as wretched as the rumors suggest.”

The person on the left paused, their voice as gentle as drifting snow, and said, “To be honest, I don’t believe it either. That’s one more reason why I stayed. For many disciples of Yunxiao, Pei Yuzhi is not only an insurmountable mountain but also a beacon of faith. With him around, I believe there is still hope. After all, he was once the most renowned cultivator in the world, the leader among the Five Champions, radiating boundless glory.”

“Do you think he can save Yunxiao?”

“He should be able to, no, he definitely can.”

At the end of the bridge, the silent green stones had stood there for thousands of years, carrying an unspoken sorrow.

Pei Jing, standing beside them, felt utterly bewildered. “What is all of this about?”

The ethereal wind and snow, the indistinct conversation, were all reflected in the mirror of the main hall of Tianqian Peak, caught by the eyes of the Sect Master.

Immediately after, Pei Jing saw himself.

In the image, the young swordsman was him, yet not quite him. His robe swept the ground, his silver hair resembling snow. In front of the mirror, he bent down in agony. His trembling fingers could no longer hold the sword. In the brief moment when the Dust Breaker Sword fell to the ground, the young man finally succumbed to his suppressed emotions and tears streamed down his face.

A silent and mournful roar echoed, unheard by anyone.

“Do you think he can save Yunxiao?” 

“He should be able to, no, he definitely can.”

The vast wind and snow obscured this scene.

In an instant, the girl in red appeared, her beauty radiant and her eyes determined. “Pei Yuzhi, now it’s up to you to contact the ancestors in the Institute of Celestial Ascension. Ji Wuyou has made it clear that he wants to annihilate Yunxiao Sect, using you as an excuse to shift the blame. A few of us will try to delay him and buy you some time.”

Feng Jin frowned and scolded, “What happened to your usual arrogant and indifferent demeanor? Aren’t you the self-proclaimed number one? Are you afraid of Ji Wuyou?”

Wu Sheng glanced outside and said, “Alright, Yunxiao’s protective mountain formation left by Yunxiao Daoren is on the verge of collapsing. Let’s leave first.”

Wu Sheng hesitated for a long time, turned back, and comforted him softly, “You don’t have to blame yourself too much. None of this is your fault.”

Seeing this, Miss Yu Qinglian rolled her eyes and said, “You’re so timid in the face of challenges. If this gets out, it’ll be a disgrace to us.”

Feng Jin, unusually kind-hearted, pushed her out and said, “Give him some time to gather himself.”

Yu Qinglian stopped at the entrance of the palace, turned around in an instant, her dress vibrant and her voice clear, as pure as the first snowfall. “You mentioned that I owed you a favor on Yingzhou last time. Well, consider it repaid now.”

Indeed, it was repaid. With a life as redemption.

He finally managed to contact the Institute of Celestial Ascension, with only a faint and disoriented soul left to guide him.

The Heavenly Ladder malfunctioned, and everyone in the Institute of Celestial Ascension was annihilated by the Heavenly Dao, none survived.

None survived.

There was no way out anymore.

He walked towards the outside of the hall, and all he could see was the vast expanse of white snow.

Tianqian Peak, cold and desolate, empty and vague in this world. The snow buried the countless bones of friends, mentors, and disciples. Centuries of hard work seemed like a dream.

He held the sword and walked towards the mountain gate, his footsteps leaving deep and shallow marks, while his hair gradually turned white from the tips. In an instant, he aged.

Before the suspension bridge, his steps suddenly came to a halt, blocked by an unknown force. However, he bent down, his fingers touching the green stone, a pale smile appearing on his lips.

“Master, once again, I have disappointed you.”

He burst into tears.

“I couldn’t protect Yunxiao.”

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