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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 13


Chapter 13 Spiritual mushroom

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After hearing it, Pei Jing couldn’t help but curl his lips and break into a smile.

A fragment of Chu Junyu’s cold facade shattered, and it turned out to be a good thing. These past few days, he always felt an air of unreality in his interactions with Chu Junyu. The boy he saw in the mystical water mirrors, the one who emanated danger, was definitely more complex than he initially thought.

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

“I won’t regret it.” Pei Jing grinned, revealing a set of gleaming white teeth. “I have a special talent for judging people accurately. Believe me.”

Chu Junyu swiftly concealed his aggressive side, his demeanor turning impassive, and his light-colored eyes devoid of any trace of a smile. “Then remember what you said today.”

He swept his sleeve forward, took a step onto the ethereal staircase, and walked deeper into the unknown.

Pei Jing remained rooted to the spot, lowered his head, and let out a soft chuckle.

The kid certainly possessed a big temper.

However, in this world, nothing had happened that could make Pei Yuzhi feel regret.

The path through the mountains was clear, with a light mist hanging in the air.

Stepping into the refined courtyard, the wind gently blew, causing the jewels and pearls beside Chu Junyu’s headdress to chime softly.

Pei Jing questioned from behind him, “You were really harsh just now, so different from your usual self. Usually, although you’re cold and indifferent, you’re not scary. Why did you suddenly change your expression?” Regardless, he would never admit that he was the one bothering him.

Chu Junyu walked ahead, not uttering a word.

Pei Jing tried to speculate on the reason. “Based on my extensive experience in reading people, most individuals have two faces, and what they usually display is often fake. So, is that your true self?—So fierce!”

Chu Junyu responded with indifference, “Well, are you afraid or not?”

Pei Jing felt ecstatic inside and confidently replied, “I’m not afraid. Besides, you won’t harm me.”

Chu Junyu gave his assessment, “You truly have courage.”

Pei Jing chuckled and said, “As long as you have self-assurance, that’s enough.”

“You said the same thing to me before, saying that I could become part of the Inner Peaks.”

Pei Jing was momentarily dumbfounded, but then she realized and muttered, “Last time was an accident.”

“Is that right?”

The gentle mountain breeze wafted, and Chu Junyu’s voice carried a somewhat ethereal quality.

His typically distant tone held a touch of mockery, as if he had been pulled down from his pedestal, gaining a bit of popularity.

Pei Jing planned to gradually delve deeper into understanding Chu Junyu, and today was almost the day for it.

There was always a reason behind the darkness inside a person. Considering Chu Junyu’s age, it was likely that he had suffered unforgettable harm during his childhood. This harm could have come from his parents or relatives.

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