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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 18


Chapter 18 Red leaves weaving like brocade

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“Pei. Yu. Zhi?”

The man in black repeated this name in a hoarse and low voice, with a hint of peculiarity.


Moonlight and starlight fell upon his white hair, giving it a delicate sheen, like a thin layer of frost. His features were picturesque, but painted with a somber and cold hue. After contemplating something, he seemed to smile faintly, his bloodshot eyes flickering. His tone was calm, as if cutting through the moonlight. “Hmm, I know you.”

Pei Jing furrowed his brow, wary and unable to let go of his guard while conversing with this person. Upon hearing this, he thought, “Since I have already introduced myself, shouldn’t the acquaintance reciprocate?”

However, the man in black countered, “Are you very curious about who I am?”

Pei Jing answered directly, “Yes.”

The man in black cast a cold and indifferent gaze at him, his excessively gloomy and pale face expressionless. “In due time.”

Pei Jing was taken aback. This was the first time he had encountered such a person, and it didn’t sit right with him, especially in this eerie and blood-drenched forest.

However, he knew better than to pry into the reticent matters of the young man before him.

Slowly approaching, the man in black traversed the devastation and the mound of corpses beneath his feet. His demeanor gradually grew colder. His blood-red eyes fixed upon a distant direction within the forest. With his arrival, the entire expanse of woods took on an even more peculiar atmosphere.

It was initially just eerie and gruesome, but now the fear and restlessness of the creatures deep within the forest could be clearly felt.

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind blew, and the cries of infants echoed intermittently like that of cats. It was eerie, dreadful, and piercing to the ears.

Pei Jing: These demons really have no regard for their own lives. 

Before he could pinpoint the origin of the sound, a surreal sight unfolded before him. The forest came alive, with trees clawing and gnashing their teeth. Leaves transformed into a haunting shade of blood-red, drifting down from their branches, painting the sky with an eerie hue. The ground beneath his feet turned crimson, a stark contrast to the unsettling darkness and lifeless bodies strewn about. As the blood-red maple leaves danced through the air, they emitted a captivating crimson glow, exuding a deceptive beauty.

However, upon contact with anything, these seemingly enchanting leaves became deadly. Without a moment to spare, Pei Jing swiftly turned around only to find an umbrella shielding him from the onslaught of the lethal red leaf rain, just inches above his head.

He tilted his head and saw the young man’s noble and cold profile, with a nose as straight and majestic as a mountain.

The surroundings were enveloped in an ominous crimson hue, with the night sky deep and dark. The earth and the crimson leaves formed a rain-like scene. The young man had silver hair that shimmered like a thousand strands, and his hand holding the umbrella was slender and pale, becoming the only source of brightness amidst the darkness.

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