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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 23


Chapter 23 Futu Hall

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Pei Jing hesitated for a moment and subconsciously leaned backward.

Chu Junyu’s pale fingers paused on the sword, and his stiff expression quickly disappeared. He looked back at Pei Jing’s face and said, “I don’t usually use a sword.”

English for Hotel Workers - Part 3 - Lesson 03

Pei Jing sat with his legs crossed, grinning casually. “Well, that’s unusual. A swordsman who doesn’t use a sword often.”

Changtian Realm was a simple forest valley, with tall trees blocking the sunlight. There were no dangers, so there was no need to stick together in groups. After entering the realm, everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, as nobody knew when opportunities would come.

Pei Jing asked Chu Junyu if he wanted to join him. Chu Junyu glanced at him, then turned and walked away.

Pei Jing stood in front of a tree and put a candy in his mouth, sighing, “Alright, I hope you find something amazing inside.”

Changtian Realm still carried the aura of Yunxiao Daoren, whom Pei Jing had met a few times and received guidance from. He felt a sense of familiarity with the plants and animals here. Consequently, many spirit beasts gathered around him, intimately touching him.

He had visited this place since his youth, thoroughly exploring every corner, both inside and out. He had little interest in further exploration.

Over time, Pei Jing tried every fruit in the forest. While washing his hands by the river, a five-colored deer suddenly leaped out from the woods. It looked anxious, with a bleeding wound on its leg. Tearfully, it approached Pei Jing and sought refuge behind him.

Pei Jing was surprised and gently rubbed its head. “What’s wrong?”

The five-colored deer sobbed but didn’t answer. The cultivators who hastily arrived later remained tight-lipped.

“Zhang Yiming, back off! We found that deer first!”

The leader, with an intimidating aura, turned out to be the same person who had wanted to confront Chu Junyu that night. His four companions were unchanged, each holding a longbow, indicating their prior preparation before entering the Changtian Realm.

Pei Jing comfortingly patted the deer’s head and noticed the bows and arrows in their hands. His voice turned slightly cold as he asked, “Why are you carrying bows?”

The leader, infuriated, exclaimed, “It’s none of your business! Just leave! This deer is our prey.”


Contemplating their words, Pei Jing laughed, “My ancestors left this realm to bring blessings to future generations, and this is how you treat it?”

These individuals harbored intense hatred towards Chu Junyu, but their vast difference in strength prevented them from defeating him. Thus, they silently nursed their grudges, and over time, even Pei Jing, who was closely associated with Chu Junyu, became the target of their displeasure.

The leader glanced back and saw that all four of his subordinates were armed, and their numbers and imposing presence gave him confidence. With a harsh tone, he yelled at Pei Jing, “Why waste your breath? I’ll ask you once: Are you leaving or not? If you don’t leave, don’t blame us for not being polite! Fighting among fellow disciples inside the Changtian Realm is not against the rules!”

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