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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 64


Chapter 64.1 Chang Wu

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Yinghui Peak felt empty without any new disciples. Only a handful of cultivators could be spotted as they went about their tasks, delivering letters or gathering herbs. As the peak situated closest to the sect’s gate, the morning unfolded in serene beauty, with gentle sunlight casting its radiant glow upon the mountaintop.

Two female cultivators were chatting in front of the main hall when they suddenly felt a powerful presence. Surprised, they looked up and saw two people descending from the sky.

One person wore a blue robe and had a warm face. The other person was dressed in white, looking cold and pure. When the light hit them, the latter’s sword aura and radiance outshone everything around. It was rare for disciples of Outer Peaks to enter the Inner Peaks, let alone Tianqian Peak. But the two female cultivators could guess their identities from their appearance and aura. They were startled and nervous.

Pei Jing put away his sword and asked, “Is the Peak Master here?”

One of the female cultivators regained her composure, gripping her clothes tightly and suppressing her joy. She smiled and said, “Yes, Senior Brother, the Peak Master is here.”

Pei Jing nodded and walked ahead with Chen Xu.

The white-robed immortal passed by, his sleeves fluttering, completely untainted within his small world.

The two remaining female cultivators stood before the hall, locking eyes and then squealed in surprise. Their faces revealed joy and shock they couldn’t hide.

“Is that really Senior Brother Pei?” It felt like a dream.

“With Senior Brother Chen Xu by his side, it must be real.”

“Oh my goodness! I actually saw him in person? It seems like taking on this task today was a good decision. No wonder those Inner Peak Senior Sisters are crazy about him. Senior Brother is really good-looking and impressive. When he arrived just now, my heart skipped a beat.” The girl on the left stuck out her tongue and touched her blushing face.

“Sure, he’s good-looking, but don’t get any silly ideas. Senior Brother isn’t interested in women.” The girl on the right calmed down and rolled her eyes.

“How do you know?” The girl on the left seemed a bit annoyed.

“Everyone in the Inner Peaks is talking about it. Haven’t you heard the rumors?”

“What rumors?” 

The girl on the right glanced back, making sure Pei Jing and Chen Xu were far away. She leaned in close to the other girl’s ear, covered her mouth with her hand, and whispered, “Senior Brother Pei prefers men.”

“Huh?!” She looked up in disbelief, her clear eyes filled with shock. “No way.”

“Why would I lie? There’s proof and people have said it. They claim that Senior Brother Pei and the Phoenix Emperor are rivals in public but secretly in love.”

The girl felt like her world was turned upside down. She lowered her voice and said, “Is it true? Even the Phoenix Clan says the same.”

“You think I’m lying? I wouldn’t deceive you. Hurry up and refine your inner energy. When you qualify to go to Shu Peak, visit the Celestial Pavilion, and you’ll find out.”

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