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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 25


Chapter 25 Youth escapade

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On Feng Jin’s shoulder, there was a tired and plump bird. Since then, whenever it saw him, it would squawk loudly. It made him feel like he was dealing with a wild animal or a big problem.

Later, because of the dispute over the Cloud Slayer Sword, he and Feng Jin became enemies.


In the Institute of Celestial Ascension, there were some older students who liked to interfere in other people’s affairs. They always tried to make peace and mend their relationships.

However, he and Feng Jin…

They lived in the same courtyard and would often get into fights.

When they sat at the same table, they would end up fighting.

Sometimes, they would argue in class and continue fighting.

Whenever they were near each other, chaos would ensue around them.

What was even more frustrating, bevause Feng Jin was too weak to beat him, their Master resorted to twisting his ear and accusing him of bullying others.

Pei Jing was truly at a loss for words, not bothering to consider who started the trouble.

Seeing the Institute of Celestial Ascension being thrown into chaos by him, their Master thought that young people always had their pride in front of their peers and would show some restraint. So, the kind-hearted Wu Sheng was placed between them, with Ji Wuduan and Yu Qinglian positioned in the front, hoping to make him behave.

Well, now Pei Jing didn’t have to worry about finding someone to fight.

It used to be offending one person, and now it was offending four. It didn’t seem to make much of a difference.

Later, Chen Xu sighed, “It’s rare that those four could endure for so long without teaming up to beat you.”

At that time, Pei Jing was being punished by their  Master to copy sutras. He was holding three pens and copying three times in one go. The handwriting was extravagant, and he muttered while writing, “How could those four ever cooperate to fight me? Let’s not talk about Wu Sheng’s compassionate nature. The remaining three, each one more arrogant than the other—look at Feng Jin, he’s practically written ‘I’m the most awesome’ on his face.”

“The other two, Ji Wuduan has this ‘everyone, alive or dead, is an idiot’ look, and Yu Qinglian firmly believes that ‘I am the only beautiful flower among all living beings.’ I really don’t know where she get her confidence. What kind of flower is she? A dogtail flower?”

Chen Xu had a black line on his face. “You still have the nerve to criticize others. When it comes to self-obsession, who can surpass you?”

Pei Jing put down his pen halfway, rolled his eyes, and wanted to continue expressing his insights.

From behind, a sinister voice came from Yu Qinglian, “You have time to gossip behind others’ backs. I guess three times of copying is not enough. I’ll go tell Elder Hanxu to add a few more for you.”

Hanxu was his Master’s Daoist name.

Pei Jing’s body stiffened, and his face changed faster than flipping through a book. He turned around with an awkward smile and said, “I haven’t finished yet. How could ‘beautiful flower’ adequately describe your beauty? At the very least, we should add ‘like jade.'”

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