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After Failing to Influence the Protagonist Chapter 49


Chapter 49 Ruin

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Zhao Youqing heard the sound and quickly realized what was happening. She turned around and her face instantly turned pale.

She grabbed Pei Jing’s hand, her voice trembling slightly. “They all came out from the jar.”

The Obsessive Shou Moves On [Rebirth] Chapter 1

Came out from the jar? Pei Jing looked at her, momentarily shocked. “Didn’t you say the ones kept in the jar were meant for food?”

“Most of them are for food, but a few are raised to become these kinds of monsters. They won’t die. Even if they do, they can come back to life. Once bitten by them, whether you’re human or ghost, you turn into blood on the spot.”

Pei Jing looked horrified. “Are these things really that twisted?”

Zhao Youqing: “It was their last desperate move. This time, they finally have a chance to be unleashed.”

She glanced at the mountaintop, swiftly lifted her skirt, and pulled Pei Jing to run along the edge of the slope. Those creature-like beings, confined in the jar for a long time, with twisted bodies, pale gray faces, and swollen features, opened their mouths and angrily raced towards them from the bridge.

Zhao Youqing: “These creatures have no solution in this world. The only way now is to find Zhang Qingshu!”

Pei Jing: “Why do we need to find him?”

They sped through the dense forest. She ran ahead, using her fingers to push aside the blocking dead branches and stepping over the scattered white bones. Each step she took was a path she had walked five hundred years ago. Finally, she reached the center of the woods—a ruin with piles of bricks and tiles on the ground. A weathered wooden sign, bearing the words “Zhonglian,” lay decaying in the soil, emitting a strong, unyielding scent of blood.

Zhao Youqing halted and said, “Do you know why Zhang Qingshu has come back?”

She appeared to smile briefly, and yet, it was as if she hadn’t.

“I knew this day would come. He has always been an extreme person, extremely evil, extremely good. His return will either mark the beginning of a nightmare or the end of one.

“He has returned…” Zhao Youqing glanced ahead, her voice as light as falling snow. “This time, he will bring an end to this place and to himself.”

Pei Jing: “What do you mean?”

Zhao Youqing continued walking. This desolate ruin was under the dominion of something, even the air carried a faint, sticky smell of blood.

Once she entered the boundary, her vitality started to wane, and her form gradually became faint, almost translucent.

Pei Jing held her back, “Don’t go in. Just wait outside.”

Zhao Youqing turned her head, giving him a pale and peculiar smile, and said, “Why wait outside when the person I’ve been waiting for is inside? Once the obsession fades, everything will come to an end.”

Pei Jing felt she had gone mad. “I’ll help you put an end to it.”

Suddenly, Zhao Youqing said, “Young Master, please save him.”

“Save who?”

“Zhang Qingshu,” Zhao Youqing smiled, her eyes crimson, with a fleeting glimmer of tears. “He saved your friend. He wants to bring an end to this place, wants everyone to be buried together.” Her fingers clenched tightly, almost convulsively. “That jar, it’s the origin of all evil, the secret to the eternal life of these monsters. But it’s also the place where he can come alive again!”

Bl xianxiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora