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MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS: there will be severe physical and verbal abuse from here, all the way until the chapter entitled "The Escape." After that, there will be a LOT of mentioned abuse throughout the fic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Harry stands in the kitchen, wearing one of Dudley's baggy hand-me-downs. The jumper he wears is covered in holes and stains, many of which alarmingly resemble dried-up blood. The fabric is thin as it's been strained and stretched out due to the heavy labor he's done in it. Though he's owned this jumper for over five years, it's still massive on him. But it does well to hide the fact that his ribs are sticking out of his stomach.
His jeans are so big on him that he has multiple safety pins around its waste band for it to fit. His jeans are also covered in deep red stains (that are not blood.)

He's currently making breakfast for the family, but of course, he isn't allowed to eat any of it. Freaks don't deserve to eat unless they are seconds away from starvation.

It is currently dawn and he's gotten into the habit of waking up that early without the help of his Aunt Petunia. Mainly because if he doesn't, his fingers are slammed shut in the car door.

Harry takes the frying pan off of the stove top, setting up three plates. His muscles are sore from last night's beating, but Harry doesn't complain when Vernon walks down the stairs in his business attire. If he were to do anything that would infer he is the slightest bit ungrateful, he'd get another beating. And though he is used to being the family punching bag, he wouldn't particularly like to get another broken rib. He's been good at being obedient for the past few days and luckily only has a broken wrist. But he is sure that he'll have much more broken bones by the end of the summer.

Harry winces when he realizes that he's burnt a piece of bacon. If Vernon were to see that he's burnt it, Harry wouldn't be able to eat for days. He's already lost a bit of weight, this is a battle for survival. The bacon is chard and black, but instead of throwing it away before Vernon can notice the black slice, Harry stuffs it in his pocket. He prays to Melin that Vernon didn't notice him sneaking the food. But it's worth the risk because there is the possibility of that being the only food he has for the day...or even the week. Any food is worth saving as long as it's edible.

There is a swift knock at the door which jolts Harry out of his thoughts. He is already prepared to go back to his room because he isn't allowed to be around while guests are present.

"Boy, go to your room. And don't come out until I say so," Vernon says from the other room.

Harry nods, "W-What about breakfast?"

"Did you just talk back?"

"N-No sir," He says automatically.

"We'll talk about this later, boy. Go to your room and pretend you don't exist, because for however long we have guests here, you don't."

Harry nods and sprints up the stairs, even though running hurts from the bruising on his legs. He would much rather feel this pain than get another beating for not running fast enough. He has to walk on eggshells around the Dursleys, any small mistake is punishable. Once in his room, he sits down on his bed, relieved to have a few moments to himself.

As Harry waits, he hears the door open and then shut. He can hear Vernon shouting profanities from downstairs and he immediately flinches. Hopefully, Vernon won't take his anger out on him.

However, Harry is temporarily calmed the moment he hears the unmistakable voice of Albus Dumbledore. Why would he be here? Has he come to take me away? Does he know how they treat me?

Harry's muscles relax as he starts wondering if he should start packing now or later. He doesn't have much to pack, other than his Hogwarts stuff, which is his prized possessions. But he's still excited by the possibility of getting out. Maybe he could stay with the Weasleys. He could share a room with Ron; they'd be like brothers! As childish as it may sound, Harry's always wanted to have a sibling. He's envious of Ron for having so many. But maybe he'd be welcomed in as one of their own. Harry sits on his bed, his fingertips dancing along his mattress anxiously as he swings his legs. Despite the pain he gets, fidgeting helps with the suspense.

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