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Ron Weasley looks down at the two boys sleeping on the couch, who are practically cuddling. How are they not in a relationship? He runs back up the stairs and goes straight to the twin's bedroom.

"Fred! George! You have to see this!"

They both groan but look up at him, "What?"

"Harry and Malfoy are cuddling!"

Both of them practically fly out of their beds and all but run down the stairs. They grin mischievously when they see the two boys tangled in each other's arms.

"This is brilliant!" Fred says.

"Morning love birds! Did you enjoy your make-out session?"

Draco jumps up and looks at a still-sleeping Harry.
"Shush! You'll wake him! Do you know how hard it is for him to sleep this long?"

Ron looks down, very ashamed once he realizes that he could've woken him up. Harry's had nightmares for as long as he's known him but he thinks he's been sneaky and hiding it well. He is not.

"Sorry," he whispers.

"I think we're getting a little off subject, here. What's going on between you and Harry?" Fred asks, crossing his arms.

"We were just sleeping. Relax! He had a rough night," Draco says calmly and Ron furrows his eyebrows.

"What happened? Did he have another panic attack?"

"Yeah, he did. Don't worry, I brought him out of it."

"Do you know what it was about?"

"He didn't tell me . . . but I have a good idea of what caused it," says Draco.

"What do you think?"

"I won't tell you here. Is there somewhere a little more . . . private?"

"Let's go to my room," Ron says, showing him the way. Once they make it to his small bedroom, he asks, "So what caused it?"

"Well, it started after your mother came back from the Dursleys. She was arguing with your father," Draco says slowly.

"You think my parents caused that?"

"I don't think they caused it I think their argument triggered it," Draco explains.

"What were they arguing about?"

"Your mother was going to cast a dark spell on Vernon. Your father stopped her," Draco says, thinking back to their disagreement, "Maybe the Dursleys had problems with their marriage and they took it out on him."

Ron nods slowly, "That makes sense."

All of a sudden Draco pales and his breath gets caught in his throat as he remembers the fighting words that Mrs. Weasley had said right before Harry's panic attack began. He stands up quickly and starts pacing the room, "I'm gonna kill that fucking bitch."

"What is it?" Asks Ron, panicking.

"I'm going to torture and kill that piece of trash!"

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

"His mother should have killed him in the fucking womb!" Draco says darkly, completely ignoring Ron's concerns.

"Bloody hell, Malfoy! What's going on?!"

Draco snaps out of his rage and starts to sob into his hands. He sits on the bed and just cries. Ron looks at him worriedly but doesn't say anything.

After a few minutes, he asks, "What was that about?"

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