Oiran Giyu part 2

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Tengen came to visit Giyu a week after, Giyu greeted him.

"What's up Tomioka, following my advice on how to be flashy I see! But I needed more help on this mission so I planned on taking Aoi, your little sister with me. NOW CALM DOWN, I ended up taking the three little rats you care for"

Rats? Oh, he means Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke, Giyu thought to himself "Couldn't Mitsuri or Shinobu come instead of them?" Giyu asks

"They were on a mission"

"Ok, I have something to inform you of I'm going to meet up with a guy today, it's going to be like a ceremony, really soon" Giyu said

"I'll be watching!" Tengen smiles his usual smile he always puts on.

When that happens


"Zenitsu stop!" Tanjiro yells "Or I'll headbut you!"


"That Han han haori guy?" Inosuke looks at Giyu

"He was here a week before you guys were, he's the oiran of the house I sent Tanjiro to" Tengen explains

"But The oiran of the house I'm in is Koinatsu"

"He goes by the name Koinatsu in the entertainment district, that's why" Tengen says

"THAT'S TOMIOKA!?" Zenitsu yells once again. Tanjiro headbuts him to shut up.

When it ended and Giyu goes over to them because he has free time

"Giyu san!" Tanjiro runs over to him to hug him. "Careful there Tanjiro, we wouldn't want to fall would we?" Giyu says

(I have no more motivation to write this part)

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