Part 17

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Bojan and Jere stood there, still holding each other's hand, eagerly waiting for them to say something, anything. They wanted to know what the rest of the members, apart from Nace, were whispering about. They wanted to know how they feel about them being a couple. Even Nace started feeling very uncomfortable.

After a little while, which to Jere and Bojan felt like an eternity, the rest of the members prepared themselves to speak.

Bojan started feeling very sweaty and lightheaded. He was certain that things were going to go the way he thought they would. That they would start feeling uncomfortable around him. That they would start treating him differently and even speak to him differently. That they would reveal his secret. That they would hate him and leave him. He did not want to lose them.

He was scared. No, not scared. He was absolutely terrified. And all of this happened because he played too risky and couldn't control his lust towards Jere.

Jere. Just repeating and thinking of his name made him feel somewhat safe even in such a dreadful moment...

Kris: "Uhm... you really took us by surprise..."

"Oh no... so they were not expecting it...", Bojan thought anxiously. There are different ways to perceive what he means by that. Surprise in a good way or a bad way?

Jure: "Yeah. I'm going to be honest, I did see you looking at each other often when we were all together but since you didn't tell us anything we just assumed that it was nothing."

"Great! So now they're going to think that I don't trust them... how can we stay as a band if we feel that we do not trust each other?", Bojan thought again. Anything and everything they said made Bojan's mind run 1000 miles an hour. His head was flooded with thoughts and different ways to interpret what they said. And he kept feeling that the negative one is the reflection of reality.

He started feeling so sick like he was about to faint.

At least Kris and Jure said something. On the contrary, Jan did not say a word and had a weird expression on his face. And then, he suddenly stormed off.

Bojan felt his entire world come crashing down around him. This is what he feared the most. He felt like he knew this would happen and he failed to prevent it. He closed his eyes, hoping that this was all just a nightmare.

The guilt of the whole situation started consuming him. He already felt guilty while hiding his and Jere's relationship but now it is on a whole other level. The band is ruined and it's all because of him. And he does not blame Jere.

He only blames himself.


*I apologize for the late update. Basically, I was on my way to go shopping and I fell because the pavement was so slippery and I hurt my right leg and both of my hands so I had 0 energy to write :')

*I'm also thinking of changing the cover of my story. What do you guys think???

*Thank you for reading I love and appreciate you all so much <3 <3 <3 

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