Chapter 10

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I most likely accidently just fucked my sleep schedule up along with Chaos' by falling asleep randomly. Currently, it's 23:48, I'm wide awake and lying in my boyfriend's arms, having random suicidal thoughts and mentally fucking myself up some more.

So, another day.

Chaos stirred a bit, mumbling incoherently in his sleep. I slowly detached myself from my boyfriend and got up, careful not to disturb him.

I left the room and went downstairs, walking around in the dark. I felt like I was suffocating and flashed out to the same park that seemed to give me comfort.

I sighed and walked to the swings once more, sitting down and thoughtfully slowly swinging. There was a flash and Hermes stood in front of me, looking concerned.

"Hey," I greeted flatly, my voice deep with exhaustion.

"Hi," Hermes responded with a raised eyebrow.

He moved forward and sat down on the swing next to mine, unknowingly mirroring my date with Chaos that had occurred in the park.

"How're you?" Hermed asked.

"Answering your real question, no, I do not want to kill myself," I replied bitterly.

Hermes awkwardly coughed and looked away. A lock of his hair fell in front of his face. Before I knew what I was doing, I swiped the lock of hair away from his face. Hermes froze as I immediately drew my hand back and blushed a deep red, looking away quickly.

And at that moment, I knew...

I was in love with Hermes, of all fucking people (or entities, gods, and primordials in this case).

"Destruction?" Hermes asked, stunned.

I didn't give an answer. I glared at the ground, annoyed at myself for doing that, and annoyed at myself for falling for Hermes.

"Destruction?" Hermes repeated.

I looked up, inhumanely (inentitily?) self-aware.

"Okay, why are you acting weird?" Hermes asked, unable to take my behavior.

"I'm in love with you," I blurted out, blushing a deeper red that I didn't know was possible.

Hermes' eyes widened as he gave a small cough.

"I mean... same," he replied, blushing slightly.

I nodded in shock, unable to process what was happening.

"We're cousins," I blurted out suddenly, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

Hermes shrugged.

"Welcome to the life of a greek god," he said calmly.

"Uh, no, no, no, no, no," I laughed coldly.

Hermed looked at me curiously.

"No. I'm not a horny Greek 'mythology' entity, I'm the leader of the universe. The universe contains Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Roman, and whatever you can think of that's labeled mythology in the current day. I'm the leader of the universe, they all bow down to me. I'm not going to sink that low to act like one of you Greek things!" I yelled incredulously.

Hermes scoffed.

"Yes, there are legends and stuff about the Greek gods being irresponsible, but we aren't all that way," he argued.

"Says the man who raped his sister, more mortal women than its physically possible to count, is a sexist, misogynistic womizer who objectifies women," I retorted angrily.

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