↳ PЯФŁФGUΞ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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The white door of Mobian Hospital were forced opened. Laying on the stretcher is a male yellow fox, with a deep stab wound in his chest, bruises covered his young features a long with claw marks, over his face...a missing chunk of his ear. The fox had been stripped of his ruined and bloody from the young fox's blood, he was barely breathing.


A male blue hedgehog, who had rather ran after the ambulance to catch up with his best friend/younger brother, the hedgehog himself didn't look well...either with some heavy bags underneath his eyes, deep gashes on his arms, as well as heavy bruising on his legs and arms, a rather very skinny figure to him that it just showed off his very curvy figure, his blue quills were a mess, his peach muzzle and arms were very pale along with his underbelly, wearing an oversized black t-shirt with its printing fading from the shirt, and baggy ripped jeans and very worn out sneakers, his backpack was being held by crappy duck tape.

"Stay back Sir!" The guards said stopping the hedgehog.

"You have to let me in there!? That's my brother..." the hedgehog pleaded as he had some tears in eyes, when he got the news about his brother being attacked by someone, he had to ditch his job in order to get here.

"I'm sorry but only actual blood family is allowed in there..."

The hedgehog only stomped his foot as he just started sobbing...he couldn't loose Tails...not when they been through so much together. He was the only thing close family that he had. How could he let this happen...he made sure that he locked everything in that small apartment that he shared with his brother.

He spent hours in that waiting room...asking the lady if he brother was okay. But lady refused to tell him anything about his brother's condition. The teen was alone and afraid.

His ears perked up when heard the doors open and the doctor stepped out, in hopes to Tails' parents only to see the blue hedgehog being only the mobian. "Are you Mr. Prower's legal guardian?"

"I am...yes! Is he okay!?! Can I see him!?!" The hedgehog asked.

The doctor only lets out a small sigh as he didn't really feel comfortable with telling a eighteen...but seeing that neither of them had parents he really didn't have a choice. "Come with me..." he motions the hedgehog sniffs as he followed behind that doctor.

"Your friend lost a lot of blood...but we have him stabilized."

The hedgehog's tearful eyes widen at the machines that was keeping his friend alive. He only started to tremble in his shoes he grabbed a hold of Tails hand and just started sobbing.

He practically had be escorted out of the hospital building when visiting hours had far ended. He only trying to run back in only for security to stop him. He only whimpered as he stepped away...to head back to the apartment complex.

Unaware that he was being watched from the shadows.

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