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Shadow was sitting at his desk, at the Emerald Police Department, sitting in front of him is the folder of the unsolved case...of the missing test subject.

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Name: Zero Jackal
Age: 19
Blood Type: B-
Height: 4'9
Weight: 182 lbs
Records: Prison sentence at the age of 15 for murdering his own pack and family, when questioned he showed no remorse or regret, Zero lacks all emotions and very dangerous at the prison when he first arrived he killed two of his cell mates, and heavily injured a guard.

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Shadow pulls another sheet of paper out from behind the first one, it was mostly photographs of the testing with this alternative power supply, something that the scientists called, The Phantom Ruby. The darker hedgehog looked closely at the photos to see that ruby was indeed as power as the Master Emerald itself, the very rock that can make an entire island float, as well as the seven chose emeralds that were heavily guarded by government agents, trained to kill and attack anyone that got close on site, each island had a base, and emerald that powers all the island.

"Detective Dark, Miss Bat is here to you see you?"

Shadow closes the folder, and pushes it to the side. "Let her in."

The mobian nodded as she motions for Rouge to head inside the office. The bat herself looked as if she had been struggling with her own mental health. This Hedgehog must've really meant a lot to her...in fact he did, the two had known each other since kindergarten, the bat was the first one to have actually been nice to him, and helped him get through a lot of stuff.

But of course with her parents being rich, they didn't really like the idea of her hanging out with the poor, but that didn't really stop her, it was mostly her father that was against it, her mother didn't mind it.

Sonic and Rouge were rather close much like Tails, they were like siblings even.

"Tell me you found him!..." Rouge shouted, as she was holding back the tears.

"I'm afraid not...but I have a feeling that I'm getting close, you must really care about him, if you went behind your parents back just hire me."

Rouge only slammed her hands on the desk. "Of course I fucking do! He's my first friend, and had is and always will be a brother to me."

Shadow folded his arms as he sat back in his seat. "Well being the only Mobian Detective, on mobius I'm not going to just push this case underneath the rug and forget about it, you just focus on yourself and leave this to me, I'll be sure to get your friend back."

Rouge sniffs as "Thank you...I've already lost two of my friends, I just can't lose another."

Shadow only nodded, Rouge took in a deep breath before getting up from her seat, and walking out of the office, she has a lot of faith in Shadow at the moment...after all when she went to the police to file a missing person's report, they quickly shut her down when she said that Sonic was an orphan.

"Sorry Ma'am but Homeless and Orphans go missing everyday, their for it will just be a waste of our time to do an investigation on something like that."

She just can't image how miserable, Sonic is right now...with him not being able to contact someone, or even get help from someone, cause he was a complete stranger. She only unlocks her car, letting out a soft sigh, she only hopes that he wasn't dead.

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Infinite finished setting up the second house...that was rather a good billion miles away from the city, but still on Western Island, it was a bit bigger than his old house...he'll take care of locks later, he only snickers as he would get to use those handcuffs again.

His eyes shifted back to normal as he started to take care of bodies of the family that used to live in the house, if anything it just gave him an excuse to take their money as well.

The hedgehog stirs awake, his vision was blurry as his head was pounding, he blinks a few times before his vision was restored, his body sat up completely when he saw that he was in a different room and bed.


"Oh good your away My Love~"

Sonic saw the blood on Infinite's clothes and face, he started trembling as he just tried to back away, "N-No stay back..."

"Aww Lapis...You know that I'm not gonna hurt you."

Sonic started to hyperventilate, as tears started to form in his eyes...after that car cash, he had developed an anxiety attack at the sight of blood, it was mostly do to the site of Gadget's body.

"As for where we are...our new home, and it's just needs some adjustments." Infinite only wraps his arms around Sonic, from behind, getting the hedgehog himself covered in blood, Sonic only found himself sobbing. He was complaining conscious during the robbery and that was his only chance of getting away from this psycho, but of course Infinite was just strong.

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