↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ ŦłŦТΞΞЛ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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A month of nothing but pure mental torture, nothing physical besides slapping if Sonic got out of line or if he wasn't under the influence of the drugs. But that month was all Infinite needed to break that stubborn mind of Sonic's.

The now twenty-two year old, didn't really much different...besides the obvious red marks on his cheek, and some bite marks on his neck, from the jackal punishing him from talking back, his left arm was bruised around the shoulder from all the needles that had been jammed into that area, the same is said for his legs and thighs, he was still skinny with his curvy figure, just not as dangerously as he was before, he still is very pale, in his blue and peach pelt. As well as the scars and burns from that car crash.

"Ahh...It hurts..." the hedgehog moaned out, his arms were cuffed above his head, by the bed frame.

"Hmm...Such cute moans you have Lapis~" Infinite said as dug his sharp claws into Sonic's already bruised side, making the hedgehog cry out in pain. His body was already being invaded by the jackal's cock...while his new organ of his was taking its time to adjust to his body.

Sonic didn't really remember agreeing to have surgery to get his sex changed...well to get his penis removed from his body to get it replaced with a vagina and working ovaries. That he didn't know that he actually had...he didn't even remember the last time he actually had a proper check up, after all he didn't really have insurance, or money to pay for the medical bills.

"AHH!!~" Sonic moans out when Infinite bit down on his exposed nipple...his body started to refuse to listen him as he just tilted his ears back in submission, Something that the jackal always wanted...for his little hedgehog to submit to him, and accept his love.

Infinite moans against his lover's chest as he slammed his knot into the hedgehog's rear before finally climaxing into him. Making the hedgehog arch his back and moaning out feeling the warmth gush through his insides. He was left panting and drooling his body felt to sore for him to fight back, he was still paralyzed in the legs, but not as bad as it was before hints the walking crutches.

"I just knew you would submit me...after all you can't resist me, Lapis."

Sonic didn't say anything, as he just felt like he wanted to just ball his eyes out...but again his body refused to let him. He lets out a small grasp when the jackal pulled out him, only rub his wet cock between his vulva lips.

"Don't worry...If your good, than I'll be glad to claim you as mine forever~" Infinite whispers his hot breath against his cheek.

"...Tired..." Sonic mutters, as he could hardly keep his eyes open...he really hadn't been sleeping cause of the mental torture, and the flashes of that car crash that was still haunting him.

Infinite gave the hedgehog some soft kisses on his cheek his tail wagging. He uncuffs his lover from the bed and scooping him up into his arms.

Sonic's tail curls to his hip as he just leans into Infinite's warmth, the second dosage of his medicine started to kick in...and he started to purr.

Infinite watched as hedgehog fell into a deep slumber, he lays the hedgehog down a more comfortable bed, pulling covers over his lover's slim figure.

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