↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ SłЖ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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The sound police and ambulance sirens were heard...during the pitch back of night, Sonic wasn't really that badly harmed...only a few deep cuts on his abdomen, and some burns from the trunk, catching on fire, his body just felt so sore and ache, but he pushed himself up, he had to make sure that Gadget was okay. He was already going lose one of his friends, so he couldn't lose another.

"G-Gadget..." He weakly called out as he just dragged his body forward he pushed through some of remains of the truck and the only car from when the two collided with each other, it was almost like the both vehicles were being controlled. He grunted as he held his head only feel something warm, he lets out a gasp when softly red. He does his best to make it over to the wolf, with tears in his eyes. "Gadget..." he called out, as he gently shook the wolf, only to get little reaction, "N-No...please." He cried as he saw some metal and glass had pierced into the wolf's body, leaving the young wolf drenched in his own blood. Sonic only held onto the body of his fallen friend sobbing.

"We have an alive one!" The paramedics called out when they heard the hedgehog's sobs.

"N-NO...I, I Don't!" Sonic protested as he didn't want to be separated from Gadget's body. But he was pulled completely away from his friend's corpse.

The paramedic that was dealing with Sonic, hid the smirk on his muzzle, as he didn't want to give away that he wasn't working with the the real paramedics, Infinite didn't mind the blood of his hedgehog...on his body, let alone the traumatized hedgehog holding him close while he just sobbed.

When the jackal got a good distance he could only look down at the hedgehog who had just passed out in his arms from the trauma, and blood loss. Infinite only lets out a small hum, as his grin only grew his plan was falling into place, he lifts up the hedgehog and started making his way to his own car that was hidden from the crash site.

"Don't worry...Lapis, I'll take good care of you for now on~" Infinite whispers into the hedgehog's ear, when he got to his car he started wrapping Sonic up in a warm blanket before laying him down in the back seat. He gets into the driver seat and started to drive off.

It was a rather quiet ride, down the dirt road of the outskirts of Emerald City, in the rear view mirror he only looked at the sleeping figure in the backseat, his tail wagging slightly.

When he pulled up to his house, he exits out of his car and looked around to make sure that he wasn't followed...he scoops up Sonic into his arms and carried him inside his two story home, he locked the door behind him using the gemstone to creat an illusion so that the door looked like it didn't have lock.

The jackal pushed open the door to the bathroom, turning on the light and started to run a bath.


"Ssh...your safe now."

Sonic didn't say anything else as his mind was still a little hazy from that sudden car crash, his body just felt like he was laying on a pile of nails, he only fell back asleep.

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