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Sonic's ears twitch, when the door to the basement opened...the hedgehog only sniffs and wipes away his tears, he really hadn't been sleeping since his mental torture started.

"Good Morning, My sweet Lapis~"

Sonic started trembling as he looked up at Infinite, after those illusions...that to him was real, even though he literally hadn't left the house or basement.

"Ssh...it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said as he gently runs his thumb over the hedgehog's cheek.

"They really weren't my friends...were they?" Sonic asked, as he tries to stand up but his legs just made him whimper out in pain as they started to shake he just ended up falling over into Infinite's arms.

"Are you okay?"

Sonic just started tearing up "N-No...I...I don't know what's wrong...I just can't feel them." He wept.

Infinite couldn't really understand the hedgehog, while he was crying, so he just scoops him up in his arms and carried him out of the basement after all he's been using those illusions on the poor hedgehog for a week, though for Sonic it felt like years, mostly because time in the illusions time was moved fast.

Sonic sniffs as he slowly started to calm down, his ears remained pinned to his head, as his covers his eyes with his sleeves cause of the bright lights from the main house, his vision was still to sensitive to bright lights. When the hedgehog was placed onto the couch, he looked down at Infinite who was moving his legs. Asking him he can feel anything, the hedgehog sadly shock his head no.

"What about here?"

Sonic lets out a squeak, when the jackal pushed his thumb into his side, that was already bruised cause of the car crash, he only whimpers when pressure was pushed onto his thighs, and abdomen.

Infinite only hid his grin as the pills finally took affect. "I'm sorry Lapis, but it seems like you had gone paralyzed in the legs."

Sonic only looked down, he knew this was gonna happen if he didn't really take care of himself, Tails warned him but he just didn't listen cause he wanted the fox to worry about himself. "Hey...hey, it's gonna be okay, I'll help you get around the house, like I've been doing."

"I...I don't trust you! For all I know you could've done this to me like everyone else..." Sonic snapped, he didn't really have much of a choice but to trust Infinite, if anything the jackal had shown that he care about him, unlike his other friends.

"Not like you have much of a choice Lapis~" Infinite growled at Sonic, but as predator, towards its prey. The hedgehog only lets out a squeak when he was forced onto his back by the jackal. "And I plan on treating you with love...and affection."

"I...I, don't want it..." Sonic admits, as he was rather to weak to fight the jackal off, mostly because he hadn't slept all week, and his pale face showed it, he tilted his ears back as his eyes started to feel heavy, and he just feel into a deep slumber.

Infinite only chuckled as he pulled the hedgehog close to his chest, he gives his hedgehog a soft lick on his ear. "Don't worry I'll make sure that your safe."

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