↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ ŦФUЯ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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The hedgehog didn't really have a good day at school, he mind was all over the place and to the point that he just felt sick to his stomach, it was like his whole world was crumbling down, First his brother got attack by some intruder that police nor his Landlord had any leads on, and he's getting out of his apartment cause he failed to pay his payment for the place.

He lets out a small sniffle...as he was walking away from campus, to get to his job...he still needed to work despite how he felt, normally his first job wasn't always the greatest cause he was always exhausted about the time he got there, when he made to the store he was stopped by the owner, with a rather punk like style to her, she is a mobian lemur, with hot tips in her hair. "Sorry Hedgehog...but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fire you."

"What?..." the hedgehog said. "But I...give me second a chance...I promise whatever I did it wo-"

"No more second chances Hedgehog...this is hundredth time this month that you've been late for your shift, now I understand that you have School, but that's not an excuse to be late this many times."

"You don't understand! I need this job...I need the money..." The hedgehog argued back.

The lemur only shook her head as she closes the door on his face.

The hedgehog only looked defeated as he started to walk back to the apartment complex...at least now he probably wasn't gonna be late for his second job, and he can finally do the full homework.

"Now what am I gonna do...theres no way, my friends are gonna let me crash at their place, not when I look like such a mess."


The hedgehog shifted his gaze over to who called him, of course he knew to not talk to strangers, but there was something familiar about the jackal, he just couldn't put his finger on it. "I'm sorry...if I was in your way..."

"No, your not...just couldn't help but wonder why you look so down in the dumps, maybe possibly I can help you out." The Jackal said as he stepped closer, of course he knew all about the hedgehog's struggles, after all he had been following him for years, as well as got to know his habits, his fears, everything he needed to know about the his little hedgehog.

"Don't bother...I'm nothing but a letdown, to everyone I meet." The hedgehog said as he looked down at shoes.

"I doubt that...my lapis, you are simply just perfect for me." The Jackal thought as he held out his hand, not that he hadn't held the hedgehog's hand before. "The names Infinite, and you."

The hedgehog took the jackal's hand "Sonic...Sonic Maurice Hedgehog."

"So Sonic what to tell me what kind of predicament that your in, over a coffee, you seem like you could use something eat?"

Sonic hadn't realized how much he he was shaking...not out of fear...though he really didn't know if he can trust this jackal, sure he may seem nice, but he's seen enough movies to know that nice guys are always willing to become bad guys. But if he didn't get food into his system he could just pass out right here on the cement, but he didn't really have much money for a coffee of some kind of snack, at most he could only get a bottle of water. "I guess...I can share."



"Nothing, we can walk and talk there it's not that far." Infinite said.

Sonic only nodded as he followed beside the jackal, he only started off with what happened to his best friend...and how the police didn't have any leads, the vexation of him getting kicked out of his apartment, and finally him losing his first job.

"Well I have a lot of space in my house, I don't mind having you crashing there while you look for another job, and another apartment." Infinite said, as he was putting up an act so that he sounded as if he was being rather nice and friendly by offering the hedgehog a nice place to stay.

"Huh? You don't have to do that...I don't mind living in a homeless shelter, for awhile."

"Alright, well I can give you my number, so you can give me a call incase you change you mind."

Sonic only nodded as he puts Infinite's number into his phone, he felt a little better now that he got all that off his chest...he really hoped he didn't have to resort to something light this...sure Infinite is only being nice, but the way that he looked at him...just didn't make him feel right, he did have one his friends that could stay with while he was getting himself sorted out. But he'll keep this kind gesture in mind.

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