↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ ТHЯΞΞ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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The hedgehog got up before his alarm went off, for School...he's been doing that a lot lately, as well as not sleeping at all at night. He just couldn't really shake the feeling that he's being watched. He only grunted as he forces himself out of bed. His legs were a little shaky do to the lack of food that he's been eating as off lately. He turns his alarm off and just started on finding something that at least looked decent, and not smelly.

He settle for a black t-shirt with a skeleton ribcage printed onto it, and a light-weight red plaid jacket with a gray hood, it'll have to do for today, since he forgot to wash the clothes that he wore yesterday, he just slipped on some baggy ripped jeans, with socks and his sneakers. He only lets out a small yawn as he rubs his eyes walking into the bathroom, after stopping in front of Tails' room, he only pinned his ears down at the memory of him leaving his first job to head to the hospital when he got the call.

He almost wanted to skip school, so that he can suffer alone...but he really couldn't afford skipping...not when his grades were so poor, cause of his busy schedule. And him only getting half credits cause of his homework. He only pulls out the water proof makeup out of cabinet, and just started to hide the dark circles underneath his eyes, so that he looked a little healthier. When he was done he started to pack up his unfinished homework, and slipped on his sneakers. Like always he skips out on breakfast, do to him having very little money for food. To the very much annoyance of his own stomach protesting...something that Sonic was rather used to.

As he walked out of his room he noticed a pink slip taped to his door, confused he pulled it off only for his ears to pinned down to his head. "N-No...this...can't be..." he said as he just started to run, to catch up to the landlord. "You do this to me!?" He shouted at the female lamb.

"I'm sorry Mister Hedgehog...but you are way over due for that payment." The Lamb responded.

The hedgehog only held back the tears...he couldn't go back to living on the streets, not when he had two jobs, and a brother in the hospital. "I'll get you the check...just please...give me more time..."

The lamb only shook her head, she had given the hedgehog at least a month noticed, before the pink slip, she had given the hedgehog multiple days mostly because she felt bad...but she couldn't continue doing that. "Look I can give you directions for a homeless shelter..."

The hedgehog only hanged his head low, in defeat...he was gonna have to pack up all of his stuff and Tails' stuff, he knew it was kind of pointless in trying to get an extra day. "H-How much time to I have...pack?"

"I'll give you until tonight, seeing that you are busy..."

The hedgehog only nodded, as he turns on his heel to head to elevator. "Thank you...for giving as much time as you could for this long..." he said as he completely walked down the hallway.

When he got outside of the apartment complex, he saw a car waiting for him to take him to school, a white female bat, wearing a black cropped-top with a heart shaped boob window, and black skinny jeans, with dark purple eyeshadow, and lipstick. Sitting in the passenger seat is a male red echidna, wear the high-schools football jersey, with a baggy jeans and red sneakers.

The hedgehog knew the two...they were his some of his friends, of course he didn't have a car, so his friend offered to take him school since the apartment complex wasn't that far of a stop. He opened the door to back seat, and gets into the car.

"Hey Hon...is everything alright? You seem a bit under weather?"

The hedgehog only shook his head as he forced a smile on his muzzle, he was actually just holding back the tears...he had rather painful memories of living out on the streets, since the orphanage didn't really take care kids that were over the age of fourteen, he was kind of kicked out of the place to live and survive on his own. On his fifteenth birthday. Of course he wasn't really alone...since he their was always someone there to help him, he just didn't know who or what it was but they have prevented him from starving to death, or dying of frostbite.

The bat only lets out a small hum, "If you say so Hon...but here eat up...you look like your about to pass out at any minute."

The hedgehog took the bag of fast food breakfast, his stomach just started growling from hunger...there was at least two bacon, egg, and cheese bagels in the bag, he didn't really waste time with not eating them.

He had such great friends...to look out for him, but he was gonna have to pay her back...some how.

When the car pulled up the school parking lot, The Hedgehog saw some familiar faces waiting for his arrival.

A female pink hedgehog, wearing a red off the shoulder shirt, with pair of jean shorts, golden bracelets on her wrists, and red sneakers, wearing a pink backpack.

A male red wolf, wearing a pair of black glasses, a white button up t-shirt that was half tucked in, into his black pants, with a black backpack.

A female chipmunk, wearing a white tube top, with black shorts, a light blue vest and matching boots, with a black backpack.

A female brown and tan Lynx.

The hedgehog only took in a deep breath and exhaled, out his nose...he didn't know how he was gonna make it through the day, knowing that he only had tonight to get his things and his brother's things packed up, so that he can get out of his apartment, he already knew that he wasn't gonna have enough to pay for the hospital bill...he only kept those emotions in. When he got out of the car, he was forced into a hug by the pink hedgehog.

The jackal who just arrived at the school in his disguise, of a pure black wolf, thanks to the gemstone...he can use any illusions to make his appearance look different. He only growled at the female hedgehog that was touching what was his. That group of friends needed to go, just like that fox. But that news about his lover getting kicked out of his apartment gave him an idea.

"Don't worry Lapis, you don't have worry about being homeless for much longer."

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