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Shadow drove up to the location that bodies were found, he looked around the area to see that he was rather far from Emerald City, he has to admit for criminal they do travel rather fast. The darker hedgehog slipped on his gloves and walking over to the body's to get closer look at the victims.

"Detective Dark?" The Officer said.

"Just give me the report..." Shadow said as he knelt down to the bodies levels, he moves the older gentleman's body to get a clean look on at his face.

"Mr. And Mrs. Smith, a long with their twelve year old son Joseph...all-"

"Not hear for that...the other report, the case of this families disappearance." Shadow ordered as he dug into the male's pocket to pull out a business card.

"Right...Some woman, the sister of Mrs. Smith, had filed a report about her sister and grandson, as well as brother-in-law being missing, for three days, from school, and work." The Officer said as he looks at the mobian.

"Interesting..." Shadow said as he stood up completely, walking over to the officer. "Didn't a co-work happen to say that she saw Mr. Smith in his home just at the end of the month?"

"Yes sir."

"Have the bodies delivered to the morgue, might as well pay this Fake Smith, a visit." Shadow said as he gets into his police car and taking off down the road.

The officer lets out a sigh of relief as they were getting nervous around Shadow, they had never been in immediate by a mobian before and it was horrifying. They started to make a call.

♡ ♡ ♡

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Sonic's nerves got the better of him, to the point that he was vomiting more than should be...mostly because of his pregnancy, and nerves didn't really sit Will with the hedgehog, if anything it was a good excuse for him to try and escape.

The massive bruise on his shoulder told him otherwise.

"My Love are you okay in there."

Sonic only groans, when heard Infinite's voice, he just want to be as faraway from the jackal as possible...he didn't care if he was gonna be living on the streets, it was better than having some psycho trying to touching him. He only forces his weak arms to lifted himself away from the toilet, he washes out his mouth and opens the door.

"There you are Lapis, I thought you'd try to get away from me." Infinite said as he gives the hedgehog a little ear rub, before a small tender kiss on his forehead.

"J-Just...morning sickness..." Sonic mutters back, as he rubs the bruise on his shoulder, every ejection his body took the paler and weaker he looked...he is healthy, the ejection only made him to weak to do much, like fight back, run, or even take care of himself with the basic needs, it just made it so he that he literally can get hurt easily.

Infinite only wraps his arms around the hedgehog, holding his flat abdomen. "Your such a perfect lover...that I couldn't wait."

"W-What?" Sonic felt something being forced onto his ring finger, he didn't was look at it...the thought of marrying this psycho, just mad him to start tear up a little...he was trapped. Forever trapped with this jackal.

"And we don't even need to wait~"

"P-please I..."

Infinite showed Sonic the signed sheet of legal documents, he is married now...married to his stalker, and kidnapper.

"Now no body can separate us..."

Sonic's ears tilted back...he want to punch this jackal in the face, but all the trauma, and rape, made him terrified to do so...he knew he wasn't strong enough, to fight the jackal, he can barely even run. Before Infinite could kiss his new husband, his gaze shifted to the sound of someone pulling up.

Sonic opened his mouth to try and scream for help, but gag materialized into his mouth muffling his cries, he only whimpered as he was forced back into the bathroom by the shower head wrapping around his body like a snake, the door was slammed shut and replaced with a wall, the hedgehog could only weep, as he barely had strength to even fight back, with the ejections and the his own pregnancy he body was just useless. Not to mention all those years of him not taking care of his own needs, we're coming back to haunt him.

There was a knock on the door, "Open the door, Police."

Infinite only growls at himself, he should've taken Sonic off this island when he had the chance, his eyes shifted to a crimson red color, as the gemstone took care of everything making an illusion so that he took the appearance of a butler, he corrected his posture and stance, as well as clearly his throat.

Before the door could be kicked in, Infinite opened the door, "Hello Sir?" He said.

Shadow narrowed his eyes, this escaped criminal as a rather dangerous item attached to him...as well as his clients missing person that's he's been looking for...he can't fall for illusions.

"Hello...is Mr. Smith or Mrs. Smith home?" Shadow responded.

"I'm afraid not...Sir, but I was told to not let anyone into the house while they were gone."

Before Infinite shut the door on Shadow, he blocked the door with his shoe so that it couldn't close properly.

"I don't remember the Smith's having a butler..." Shadow growled.

Infinite holds back his own growl, "Well Sir...I was just hired yesterday...and I do believe that you'll need a warrant to search the house sir."

Shadow only narrowed his eyes, that's right he needed a warrant...before he could actually do a further investigation, on this matter, and he didn't even have much information than what the sister had told the station. He steps away from door, "Very Well...but you're in the clear just yet."

Infinite only waved goodbye to Shadow closing the door behind him. When he heard the car drive off the illusion and his appearance went back to normal. He knew that Shadow was gonna come back with that warrant, and he wasn't gonna be here when he does. He started to make the place looked at as if a robbery had happened...after all he wasn't surprised if that cop found the bodies, that poorly hidden, he made sure that he had everything that he was gonna need packed. He held the syringe in his hand.

Sonic didn't know what was going on when he was let go from his brief prison, he only lets out a small yelp when the needle was forced into the bruised on his neck, his vision started to get blurry, as he saw Infinite putting the syringe away.

"Ssh...No one is going hurt us...not where we are going." The jackal said to the hedgehog, he catches the hedgehog before he could've fallen onto floor he was in a deep slumber. The jackal gave one last look at the home, before he walked off glitching into nothing pixels.

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