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Sonic's ear twitches at the sound of glass breaking, of course thanks to the ejection...the hedgehog didn't awaken from his slumber...as much as his mind wanted him to.

Downstairs, dressed in all black, is a female red fox, and her partner an emerald green hedgehog, the sound of glass crunching underneath their shoes were heard when they broke the window.

"Damn...For a house being in such a rural area of Western Island, these windows must be or at least be  shatter proof." The male whispered as he turned his attention to the fox.

"Look lets just hurry and get some things to sell and get out of here...if the windows are really that hard to break then we picked the wrong house to be in." The fox said as she carefully made her out of the dinning room to the main room, the male following close after.

As the two walked through the large house they didn't really see much that was worth a lot, almost everything was locked, and needed a special key to get into, none of their lock picks were good enough to successfully pick the locks. "There has to be at least be something in this room." The male said as he started to pick the lock on the white door.

"Just give it a rest...we tried everything with least lo-"

"Got it..." the small clicking sound of the door being unlocked was heard, the male turned the doorknob and slowly started to open the door, though when the two stepped inside the room they eyes widen as what they were seeing before them.

The room was covered in photos of a blue hedgehog, all of them were taken at different angles, as if the hedgehog himself was being stalked, a long with photos of the blue hedgehogs friends, so far two out of six people had red X over their photos.

"I think we should leave...and now..." the female said as she started to get a little creeped out by the photos.

The two started to leave the room he made sure real lock the room after closing the door. "I hate leaving empty handed..."

"Well I like to live, and not get murdered by some creep, look we still have that side room and master bedroom to check, so let's just hurry while we have a chance..." the female said, the male only nodded as he walked up to the door and started to pick the lock, as he got the door unlocked, he slowly pushed the door opened only to freeze in his place. When he saw a sleeping figure in the bed.

"What why di-Oh my chaos." The female said.

"That's the..."

"The kid from the photos, I believe it is...but he looks  sickly and pale."

"...is he dead?"

The emerald hedgehog goes over to the body, and pressed his gloved finger to the azure male's neck, he waited a few minutes, before hey got an actual pulse, he pulled his hand away. "He's just sleeping..."

"Scourge...I think we really should leave...I mean I know that we are criminals, but this just is right..."

Scourge only narrowed his eyes, as much as he didn't know this hedgehog he couldn't just leave him in the hands of this mentally insane person that kidnapped him in the first place, but as he was about to scoop the hedgehog, the sound of the from door shutting was heard. "Shit!?"

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