↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ ΞłGHТ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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Sonic grunted as he sat up from the bed, he reached over to pick up his phone...only to find that it had been switched completely off, he only tilted his ears back, letting out sigh. Of course his phone wouldn't be working, he didn't really pay much of his phone bill, and it hadn't been working for past few months. He can still turn it on, just couldn't make any calls, or text.

He only lets out a painful grunt as he tried to get out of bed, it didn't really work out much since he was yelping out in pain despite him trying to be quiet. He almost fell out of bed when the door flew open. "What are you doing?"

"I...I don't want to be in bed..." Sonic sniffed as he clearly was in pain from his injuries, he didn't like the idea of missing work, not when he needed to money...but his body was to damaged from that crash that he it literally hurt to move.

Infinite only shook his head, as he gently pushes the hedgehog back down onto the bed, "I'm sorry but you can't...not when your body is healing."

"But..." Sonic started as he tries sitting up against, only grab at his side in pain, every sudden movement he made just felt like he was getting stabbed. "W-Wait what are you doing?"

Infinite only forced the hoodie up, to get look at the bandages that was wrapped around the hedgehog's lower body, the area was heavily bruised and covered in a large burn from the truck catching fire. He only lowered the hoodie back down, "I was only checking your bandages...I wanted to make sure that they didn't need changing."

"O-Oh...I, I knew that..." Sonic admits.

Infinite helped Sonic to sit up complete he used some of the pillows to help support the hedgehog's spine. "Is there anything special I can make for you to eat and drink?"

"You don't have to do that...I'm fine with not eating."  Sonic can just tell that the jackal wasn't gonna take that as answer, sure he just survived a car crash...but with the way that his body looked before, he should have been the one to die upon impact, thanks to how skinny he is, and fragile cause of the lack of nutrition that he's been missing out on from the lack of food he was putting into body. "...whatever is fine..." he finally said.

Infinite only nodded as he walked out of the room, he left the door opened only a little bit seeing that the hedgehog was unable to move. Heading downstairs he turned on secret cameras that he had placed around his house inside and outside. He only had a small smile on his muzzle as he watched the hedgehog in the guest room. He only left the feed play on his phone as he started to make lunch, he knew what kind of food Sonic liked. After all he had to prepare for that moment when he finally captured the hedgehog.

Sonic's ears twitches when the door to the room opened, a familiar scent hit his nose and he felt his tail thumping against the bed, he didn't know how long it's been since he had eaten something like this, he couldn't really pay for the ingredients since he had so little money. "Here you go." The plate was placed onto his lap, three chili dogs was on the plate, with extra cheese and jalapeños peppers on it. He only started to eat the food, he couldn't help but purr at the flavor that he had been missing for years.

Infinite could only watch, he missed seeing the hedgehog smile...in a such a genuine way, his gaze shifted to Sonic's phone that was resting on the nightstand, he knew about the hedgehog's phone service being cut off due to him missing his payment and he rather wanted to keep it that way, he didn't want those assholes to take away what's his.

"Oh my sweet Lapis, One day you wouldn't have to worry about all this, cause soon it all will be gone and all your focus can remain on me, and me alone~" he thought.

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