↳ ϾHΛPТΞЯ ТΞЛ ・❥・: ̗̀➛

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Sonic's eyes fluttered open, he lets out a small yawn as he reaches over to check the time on his phone, it was only three in the afternoon, he only took this opportunity to try and get out of the bed.

"What did I tell you about moving?"

The hedgehog only jolted his upper body forward, which only caused him to yelp out in pain, as he pinned his ears to his skull. "I..." Infinite presses his finger to Sonic's lips, to silence him, he gently started to scoop the hedgehog up, being careful with his fragile figure. "I was gonna give you a bath and change those bandages of yours, anyways."

Sonic felt his cheeks start to heat up, at the sound of the jackal's heartbeat against his ears...he only pushed his thought to back of his mind, he didn't know anything about this jackal, besides that he lives alone and is around his age, just based on how he looks, he would say eighteen.

Infinite sets Sonic down onto the toilet. "Can you remove the hoodie yourself?"

Sonic took in a deep breath as he moves his arms to take the hoodie off of his body...he only let out a few whimpers of pain cause of his heavily sore muscle, from him always pushing himself when he's working and his school, hints the very heavy bruises on his arms, and legs, and after that car crash, his arms were covered in deep gashes and burns. The hedgehog got a look at the bandages that is soaked in his blood, he only tilted his ears back...he shouldn't really be the one to live that crash, if anything he should be the one that died, after all he really hadn't anything good for this world.

the hedgehog lets out a small squeak when his baggy jeans were grabbed, well mostly the belt that he was wearing, since most of his clothes besides his red plaid jacket was burned after that car crash. So he can only assume that these clothes belonged to Infinite. Since he was only a size small, mostly cause of the lack of eating. The jackal only gave Sonic a slight smirk before pulling his jeans off of his body, revealing the his black boxers, and some thick burns scars on his hip and left legs as well as the same deep gashes, and heavy bruising.

"Sorry about that...but you seem to still be hurting." Infinite said as he had a pile of clean clothes for the hedgehog to wear.

"Only...my legs, side, and spine...hurt, the headaches as gone down somewhat." Sonic admits as he only whimpers when the jackal bend his knees his muscles had always felt sore before, because of all the running around he does, for his work, carrying heavy objects, making deliveries, roller skating to wait tables...he did it all, because he wasn't to support Tails, he didn't really care if he was hurting his body, if it meant his little brother had food and clothes.

"That's good, to say the least..." Infinite said as he starts to remove Sonic's boxers, he gently scoops the hedgehog up and placed him down into the tub the was halfway filled with warm water.

The hedgehog managed to get a good look at himself, in the mirror he only flattened his ears, there was a small burn on his shoulder and a deep cut on his cheek, that is still bleeding, not to mention his quills was a tangled up mess, with some dead quills. His pelt just looked so much paler than normal.

"I...I really do look homeless..." He thought to himself, as he just let Infinite wash him off, not that jackal wasn't being gentle, which he was.

When his bath was finished, only the bandaid on his cheek was replaced, he still was gonna be bedridden for awhile...since he could hardly stand, cause of his weak legs and spin.

Sonic didn't really say much when his quills were getting trimmed and combed out.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Just because your poor, doesn't mean anything, your still mobian."

"But I don't know you, and you don't know me."

Infinite only hid his smile...he knew more about the hedgehog than his own little brother does, and besides he liked better when the hedgehog was so helpless, and alone. It just meant Sonic would have no choice but to trust him and only him.

"Well then take this as an opportunity for both of us to get to know each other..."

"My friends will come looking for me...I may not have a working phone but I k-"

"Hush, Your Friends are aware that I'm taking care of you, while your recovering."

Sonic had his doubts, but at the moment he didn't really know anymore...the jackal did seem to know what he was doing, base on his how fast he was recovering...maybe next week he'll be able to actually move and get back to his normal life, kind of. He still didn't have a home.

When Infinite finished getting Sonic, dressed in a clean pair of baggy jeans, and a clean hoodie, he just carried the hedgehog back to bed. He was gonna have to start faking some stuff so that the hedgehog didn't get any ideas that he was lying to just keep the hedgehog to himself.

He'll just have to keep an eye on the hedgehog now that he was starting to question him.

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