on camera

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"MCLAREN DRIVERS CAUGHT IN 4K!" read the headline of the article ria was looking at as she shook oscar awake. that morning, she'd checked her phone, to see her notifications being blown up with links to all sorts of F1 magazines, gossip pages, and the likes.

"oscar! oscar, get up! you need to see this!" she shouted at him. he stirred awake to the noise, grunting as he turned over to face her.

"what?" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"look." she said, showing him the phone.

it took him a second to adjust to the bright light being shoved in his face, but he sat up as he read the headline.



the mclaren f1 drivers, ria sandhu and oscar piastri, have been known for their intense rivalries as they made their way up the lower formulas. so who could expect it when photos came out this morning of the pair getting intimate in his car after their jimmy fallon appearance?

during their episode, in a game of "show me your phone", messages from the pair to an alleged stalker suggested a romance between the two, and suspicions were quickly confirmed with these photos.

during their episode, in a game of "show me your phone", messages from the pair to an alleged stalker suggested a romance between the two, and suspicions were quickly confirmed with these photos

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source : unknownlocation : hotel car park

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source : unknown
location : hotel car park

ria sandhu (left) and oscar piastri (right) were then seen leaving the car hand in hand, and rushing to their hotel's entrance, where we can only imagine what happened next.

what are your thoughts on the pair? power couple or match made in hell?


a look of shock horror painted oscar's face as he finished reading the article.

"i told you. they have cameras everywhere. it's fucking insane." he said, shaking his head.

"so, what do we do? the mclaren media team are gonna kill us. my parents are going to kill me. i'm fucking dead. my career is finished." she cried.

"it can't be that bad, i'm sure people will forget soon." he tried to comfort her, but only made her more angry.

"you wouldn't get it. you're not a girl in a male dominated sport. all my life i've been undermined, and I've spent so long trying to build up my reputation, but now it's all gone. it's been fucked up. do you realise what kind of impact this is gonna have on not only me, but on other young girls in motorsport? i worked so hard to get where i am now, and i am not gonna let people say im only here because i slept with a higher up." she explained to him. "we can't do this. we can't see each other outside of work. i'm done. my job's on the line here, and i'm not giving it up for some dick, no matter how good it is. goodbye." she said as she packed all her stuff up.

"oh, so, is that all i am now? just some dick?" he asked, raising his voice.

"i'm sorry, but that's all you'll have to be from now on. i can't let my feelings get in the way of my career. and especially not when they're being broadcast to the whole world." she said before slamming his door.


"but, i just feel like i was so unfair to him. he's been really nice to me recently, and i just threw it all in his face again." she confided in tania over the phone.

"you did what was right for you and your wellbeing. i'm proud of you, my love. you've worked so incredibly hard to get to where you are today. don't let anyone discredit that. i have to get have to work now, but i love you, stay safe, and protect your peace. good luck for azerbaijan, honey." she said, blowing kisses to the camera before putting down the phone.

ria was yet to speak to her mother, as she'd been ignoring all the calls she'd been recieving from her.

her and oscar had both posted on twitter as advised by their pr managers, but they hadn't spoken to each other since ria stormed out of his room. the team had informed them that they would be flying separately, ria with dionne, her pr manager, and oscar with andrew, his.



pls stop invading my privacy guys. i understand that fans want to speak to me or see me, but my hotel is too far. that's supposed to be my safe space. especially after i've just opened up about having a stalker. also, how are u entering a private area and being surprised people are doing private things??? obviously that wasn't meant to be seen by the public tf? leave my ass alone. peace.


please leave us alone. i understand that we are popular, but filming my car, and jeopardising our safety like that is insane. sharing our location with the whole world? did any of you even learn internet safety? focus on your own lives because obviously there's something missing if you have to follow people around and hide in bushes and take photos of them to find any worth in yourself.


also, leave ria alone? bc ik damn well that what i'm getting isn't half as bad as what people are saying to her. this one thing doesn't discredit her success as a driver, and her personal life doesn't define her racing career. same with any other driver. she is incredibly hard working, and she is definitely doing more with her life that some of you sad weirdos who live on twitter.



cc: riasandhu, oscarpiastri

subject: 😡😡

when i told you two to act like you like each other, i did not mean have sex in a car! i'm very disappointed in the two of you. the media team are going to have a hard time cleaning up your mess. next race weekend, i want to see you two acting like none of this happened. any questions you get about this, deflect them. you cannot deface the mclaren name like this! do you understand how embarassing it was to see "mclaren drivers" plastered over every single headline?? very disappointed in you. do better.



ria decided to face her fears, and answer the phone call from her mother.

"i'm sorry mummy. i didn't mean for it to happen. it was an accident. i told him that we are never speaking again outside of work. i'm so embarrassed." she told her mother as soon as she picked up the phone.

"good. you should be embarrassed. bringing this on our family name? i keep getting facebook messages of these articles about my daughter and a gora! do you understand how humiliating that is?" she scolded.

"damn, mum, i wish my problems were as big as some aunties sending me links of my daughter. oh, wait, the photos are of me. that's the most humiliating thing. don't speak to me until you can respect me. i'm sorry." she told her mother before putting down the phone.

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