day out

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the mexican grand prix was full of colours and flavour, one of ria's favourites of the season. the fans were passionate and cared a lot about the sport, a change from many of the people who went to the austin grand prix.

ria arrived on tuesday morning, tired from her early morning flight. the first thing she did when she got to her hotel was crash on her bed. she slept for a good few hours, until a loud pounding on her door woke her up.

she grumbled as she rolled out of the bed, combing through her hair with her fingers in the mirror next to the door, before opening it. she was met with an extremely tight, warm hug, stumbling back upon impact.

"oh, thank god you're okay!" oscar sighed out.

"of course i am, why wouldnt i be?" she said, hugging him back.

"you didn't respond to any of my calls or texts for 4 hours." he told her as he pulled away.

"i was asleep, sorry." she apologised.

"i'm assuming you haven't seen what dionne sent?" he asked, walking into the living area of the suite.

"no? what's up?" she sat down next to him on the couch.

"she's sent us a list of places to go and see, get people looking at us, more attention for the team or something." he shrugged.

"oh, okay. so, piastri, where are we going first?" she wiggled around in her seat, trying to make herself comfortable.

"some landmarks and museums and stuff. i came to get you, so get ready. you're gonna be on camera too, so mclarenify yourself." he indicated his papaya "81" cap.

"do you have another one of yours? i can't seem to find mine." she said, ruffling through her team stuff.

"yeah, sure. i'll go get it, you get ready." he saw himself out.

she went simple with her outfit, a papaya bodysuit and black cargos, slightly resembling the stealth livery mclaren ran for a few of the previous races.

just as she finished off her makeup, oscar knocked on her door. she opened it, giving him a kiss as he walked in.

he plopped his cap on her head, it laying slightly askew from his haphazard attempt. she fixed it in the mirror, oscar ruffling with his hair as she did so.

"stop playing with your hair. i like it messy." she swatted his hand from his head.

"alright, queen ria." he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"erm, don't get sassy with me." she stopped in the doorway, making him walk into her.

"keep walking, ri." he grabbed her waist to move her forwards so he could shut the door behind him.

butterflies. like the first time she saw him when she began competing in karting. butterflies. like their corridor conversation post podium in saudi arabia. butterflies. like in the car in new york. butterflies. like everytime they brushed hands, when he caught her staring, when she felt his electric touch.

she fell out of her daze, blinking her way back to reality. oscar was engrossed in something on his phone, so she was able to catch up with him without him noticing.

she jogged up to him, walking alongside him. she had to walk faster than him, his longer strides making his walk easier and faster for him.

her right arm slipped around his torso, making him turn his head to her, smiling.

"what's got you all touchy-feely now?" he asked, stepping into the elevator, the girl at his hip.

"you still give me butterflies, you know?" she confessed. "since we were young. you've always given me butterflies. when you used that stupid subway footlong pickup line on me, i got butterflies."

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