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"i just don't understand why he would've done that to me." ria sobbed.

they were sat on the floor of, ironically, oscar's hotel room, as her stuff was in there and she had the keys to it.

"what did i do to him?" she cried.

"you haven't done anything. don't blame yourself." alex consoled.

a pounding knock was heard at the door.

carla walked up to the peephole in the door, seeing oscar, his eyes red raw like he had been crying, and the rest of the boys standing behind him.

"it's him." she turned around and told the group of girls on the floor.

"i don't wanna see him right now."

"he's been crying. his eyes are all swollen." she relayed.

"ria, please, open the door." he choked on his sobs. "please, i need to speak to you."

he sounded hurt, extremely hurt.

"please, ria, i don't wanna hurt you. let me explain. i love you." his voice muffled by the door.

"open the door. i need to hear him out, at least once." she sniffled.

carla reluctantly did so, and ria saw the full extent of the wreck he had become. ria had half a mind to run into his arms and forget about everything, but she had to stay strong.

"girls, can you let us have some privacy, please?" she asserted, and they all left, shutting the door.

"ria, i'm so sorry you had to see that." he started, but she cut him off.

"save it. why did you do it? was she prettier than me? skinnier than me?" ria questioned.

"no, no, god, no. don't ever say that. you're the prettiest girl. you're so beautiful. i could never think that about another girl. she just stopped me and started talking to me, and i wanted to go, because i really needed a piss, but i thought she was just a fan so i didn't want to be rude. we made small talk and then she just went for it. i pushed her off and then i heard you. i'm sorry i hurt you." he explained, sorrowful.

ria's eyes softened. she believed him. without a shadow of a doubt. but he couldn't know that.

"so you expect me to believe you?" she fought back.

"the boys, they saw me push her off. she tried to go back in when you left, and i pushed her off again. please, ria, you have to believe me. you're the girl i've wanted all my life. i wouldn't throw that away for a random bitch. you know that. i love you."

"i'm sorry, oscar. this is too much for me now. you see why it's hard for me to just blindly believe what you're saying, right?" she sat down on the bed.

"you're not saying you love me back. you always say you love me. fuck. if i've ruined this, then i'm so sorry. no one could ever be better than you."

"fuck, i love you, oscar. i love you. and that's why this hurts even more. i've never seen you cry before. i believe you." she wiped a stray tear from his face.

"you do?"

"i do." she assured.

he let out a heavy sigh of relief that he didn't realise he had been holding, then leaned forward to kiss her.

it was different this time. not rough and needy like they normally were when they got drunk, but soft and full of love.

her lips returned his every move, enthralled by the new feeling. his hands snaked around to her back, softly running up and down her spine.

ria found herself moving closer and closer to oscar, before straddling his hips, their lips not disconnecting once.

"you realise they're probably all outside our room waiting to find out what's going on." ria whispered after she broke away.

"shit, i almost forgot about them." he panicked, getting her to stand up with him.

he rushed to the door and opened it, a smile on his face reflecting the mood in the room.

"we're good." he said, with a thumbs up, causing a small cheer to erupt in the corridor.

"alright, that's enough." ria laughed, pulling him back towards her by his collar, kissing him again, shutting the door with her foot.

"go on oscar!" lando yelled childishly, making the whole group laugh in the corridor.

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