show you off

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ria and oscar lounged on his sofa back in surrey, using their week off racing to unwind and relax.

ria was reading a book, ready player one, lying with her head in oscar's lap. he was watching tv quietly, a british touring car racing series on a random sports channel.

it was the comfortable, inviting kind of quiet. not like many they had shared in the past of awkwardness and embarassment.

she needed her glasses to read, which oscar had never seen her wear before. it felt like he was seeing a new side of her, one he never knew existed.

he lightly stroked her hair, gazing at the beautiful girl who was lazily slumped across the couch.

she noticed his eyes on her, so she tilted her head to meet them. a slight questioning hum echoed within her closed mouth which had curled up into a smile.

"nothing." he responded. "i just can't believe that you're actually my girlfriend. life is crazy."

"believe it, pastry boy." she laughed. "you'll get sick of me soon enough."

"i don't think i could ever get sick of you. hell, i've dealt with you all these years and i'm still in love with you." his eyes held a glow as he spoke about her.

"i don't get that. i was so horrible to you for years and you still want me?" she fell back into overthinking.

"i was worse to you. everything you did was because i did something first." he admitted. "i wish i had treated you better for the last ten years. maybe we could've been like this earlier."

"you have me now. that's all that matters." she propped herself up on her elbows to lightly kiss his lips.

he hummed in response, lifting her up to sit on his lap. he kissed her again, this time, full of passion, before pausing.

she pouted as her pulled away, her hands falling from his chest to  her hips.

"i would, but i wanna take you out first. it's still early in the morning, we can go out, have fun, then come back and chill. deal?" he held out his hand for her to shake.

"alright." she shrugged, shaking his hand.

"get ready, baby. wear something comfortable. lots of walking." he hoisted her up, placing her gently on the floor next to the sofa. "back here in an hour."

ria only had a small selection of clothes at oscar's house, so she had to make do with what she had. she ended up going with a pair of black cargos, a cropped white tee, her north face jacket, and a pair of black and white jordan 4s.

she did her makeup after showering and getting dressed, going natural and simple, and left her hair straightened and down.

she had a black minibag by the door that she picked up as she left, and oscar took her to his car.

they sat in his car, and ria connected her phone to the speakers as usual. she played whatever playlist she found first, and the first song to play was agora hills by doja cat.

'kissing and hope they caught us
whether they like it or not
i wanna show you off
i wanna show you off'

ria looked at oscar as he pulled out of his driveway, admiring his clenched jaw and tensed neck.

oscar turned to her, and noticed her eyes on him. she hid her face in embarassment, like a teenager getting caught staring at her crush across the classroom. oscar just laughed at how shy she had become, and his eyes returned to the road.

'hold my hand
you can hit it while they watch, boy'

"don't be getting any ideas, ria. i can hear the cogs turning. dionne's got enough on her plate as it is." he joked.

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