Chapter 23: Everything secret becomes clear

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Empire of Parpaldia. Capital of Esthirant. Imperial Palace.

Originally, Parpaldia was a country that did not claim to be even a regional power and it was located in the southern tip of the continent - Philades and it was called the Republic of Palneus. Because of its strategic location on a deposit of magic crystals and ores, the Republic of Palneus became an object of aggression for neighboring nations. The first ruler of the kingdom came to the conclusion that it could not go on like this and all the resources of the treasury were concentrated on the creation and maintenance of a combat-ready army. Due to constant bloody conflicts and wars, everything came to the point that the pace of development of the military machine of the Republic of Palneus grew exponentially. In just a hundred years, a magical leap was made in the creation of effective weapons for killing one's neighbor. From the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Era. Over the next ninety years, the Republic of Palneus successfully conquered over twenty kingdoms and proclaimed itself the Parpaldian Empire. And the victories were simply phenomenal and created a furor among the nobility and the first emperor was proclaimed. However, due to the high cost of maintaining the army, it was decided to continue expansion throughout Philades. The game is not worth the candle and each invasion hit the treasury due to the demand for more resources to maintain the occupation, which provoked further expansion and looting, which eventually led to a vicious cycle. And after ten years of expansion led to the fact that the Parpaldian Empire possessed a huge territory in which seventy-two vassal states were included and its inclusion in the "Conference of the Elite Eleven", which confirmed the status of the Parpaldian Empire as a superpower of the Third World.

- Your Imperial Highness. - A woman with ash-silver hair entered the hall and bowed.

- Hello Remille, have a seat. - The Emperor pointed to the sofa and took a bottle of wine and sat down opposite her. - What news have you brought us?

- Your Imperial Majesty, the Altaras royal family survived and took refuge in Rossi and declared a provisional government. We have intercepted a broadcast that has caused unrest and riots in the vassal territories. If we continue to allow these barbarians to run rampant, the pustule of rebellion will grow to unimaginable proportions. By your authorization, we have begun the "Purification". We will destroy all this contagion and burn all information about the Russian nation. The Empire has not known defeat and will not know, and in history there will be no mention of this barbaric country.

- Very praise. - Ludius smiled and poured wine into glasses. - You did the right thing, you must deal with these unafraid barbarians in this way and no other. They make a mockery of our empire, and therefore they must be destroyed. Everyone must be shown a cruel lesson of what will happen to those who dare to defy us Ludius the First of Parpaldia.

After talking to the Emperor for a while longer, Remille went to the First Branch. She was met at the entrance by a clerk who startled her with the news that Russian diplomats were waiting for her in the hall. With each step, Remille's leg muscles grew leaden and her jaw clenched to a crunch. What unprecedented audacity, showing up here after everything she'd done. She had never imagined that the imperial army could lose to some barbarians. Overcoming some fear of the unknown, she opened the door to the hall and spotted two familiar diplomats. It cost her a great effort to keep a mockingly haughty face.

Empire of Parpaldia. The capital is Esthirant. Imperial Majesty's First Department of Foreign Affairs. Council Chamber.

- Hello Remille, we meet again. - said the man in the suit, stealthily taking the lead. - I assume you are aware of the events in the Kingdom of Fenn, what about our government's demands to your Empire?

- Nothing... as always, we refuse. - Remille replied coldly with all the hatred in her heart. - Your despicable actions have provoked rebellion in our vassal territories and you offered to help them gain sovereignty, incurring the wrath of His Imperial Majesty. You are wrong to underestimate the power of a recognized superpower, tell your government that they are not out of reach at all. What a foolish assumption, His Imperial Majesty has authorized the "Purification" and none of you will escape his wrath.

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