Chapter 20

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-Nobody's POV-

"You boys wont be seeing your brothers in a while. Maybe not ever." The ugly rat said smiling.

"Were getting the fuck out of here." Raph yelled back. Leo was so traumatized to the point where he couldn't speak. The two boys were chained to the wall. arms up and feet touching the ground.

"Okay. Whatever you say." Splinter grabbed one of Dons bo staffs, he hit Leo across the face and kicked him in the chest, making Leo screech in pain. He then grabbed and knife and started to cut Raph. Slowly down his leg. The blood was dripping as Raph yelled and screamed trying to make him stop. Splinter licked Raphs blood. "It tastes awful. Its because your a worthless queer. Maybe if you were straight, your blood would taste sweeter." He threw the knife at the the two mutants hitting the small space in between them. Leo jumped and looked away from Raph. He felt ashamed to be scared, since hes supposed to be the leader, whos brave, which hes not doing. He's actually fighting the urge to cry. He doesn't want to look weak what so ever but its very difficult.

The pain on Raphs leg was worse then what he ever felt. It was annoying him that the blood was going to dry up soon and he couldnt do anything about it. He hated to see Leo in pain. He wanted to breakdown. Seeing Leo in this type of pain kills him inside. He turned away from Leo, shedding a tear.

"Please make this end." Leo whispered.

Don finally got Mikey to wake up but Mikey was in awful condition. He could barely walk since he got hit in the back of the head. He had a concussion and Don knew that he shouldn't make Mikey walk anytime soon. Don carried Mikey to a alley that they used to go to when they were kids. Don usually did his studying here while Mikey tried to climb up the walls. Raph was always throwing things at him to try to make him fall. Leo always tried to make peace with the two until he eventually gave up and started to read his comic books. Thinking of it made Don want to chuck a trash can at an innocent person. He blamed himself for letting Splinter do all of this. He felt worthless. Only good thing about this is that Mikey isnt dead.

"Mikey. Im so sorry."

"Its not your fault man. Dont freak out. Ill be fine. I just hope Leo and Raph are okay."

"I hope so too." Don grabbed Mikey and hugged him tightly. Mikey began to cry making Don hold him tighter. "Dont cry. We'll find them soon." Don kissed the top of mikeys head and sighed. He wanted this to be over.

~Yayyy update!!! Im starting to like this story more and more when i update. <3~

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