Chapter 13

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"Thats it! I'm done!" I got up to my feet and grabbed splinters hand before he could punch me center in the face. "Look, you can say its disctusting, you can say I'm a peice of shit, but when it comes to beating Leo, then me? Ha. No. Thats crossin the line. I'm done with your bullshit." I twisted his wrist and flipped him over my head. Once he was on the ground I put both of my feet on his wrists and I bent over his face. "Goodnight, fucker." I rose my fist and was coming towards his face in full speed. He was tryin to move out of the way but all he could do was squrim, he tried to use his legs but right when I knew he was going to try something like that, I sat on him. I punched him right center in the face, he was bleeding out his nose and he was knocked out. "My work is fuckin done here, asshole." I stood up and turned around to find Leo staring at me, stunned.

 "Hey babe" I smiled, blood on my fist.

 "Did you just?"


 "And he's?-"


 "Wow, you went harsh on him.." Leo looked down to his feet. "Don't you think that was a little too much?"

 "No Leo, he should accept us were his "sons" and he should accept that we love each other and were never going to leave each other." I walked over to him and hugged him.

 "Yes, thats true but he's still our sensei." 

 "He's our sensei that thinks were discusting, he deserves it. Just calm down, he'll be up in a few hours., im gonna go wash the blood off of my fist." I walked to the kitchen and found Donnie.

 "Splinters gonna be out for a few hours." I walked up to Donnie and lightly shoved him over so that I could wash the blood off.

 "Did you punch him?!" Donnie turned towards me, stunned.

 "Yea, he called me and Leo discusting, and he wanted us to leave. That pissed me off, he beat Leo, and then he made an attempt at me."

 "That doesn't sound like splinter." Donnie had a confused look

 "It doesn't, but he just switched on us."

 "Wow, thats surprising." 

 "Yea I know. Im just going to bed, I'm really tired, tell Mikey what happned since im too tired too."

 "Okay, night Raph."

 "Night little brother." I went upstairs and crashed on my bed, a few minuets later I felt Leo lay next to me and a automaticlly knocked out."

Raphael's Secret(TMNT Yaoi RaphxLeo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora