Chapter 5

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After the shower I was feelin pretty tired so I layed down on the couch and layed in scilence. I knew the TV had nothing on at this hour so I didn't bother to even try.  I think after a few minuets I dozed off and fell asleep because the next thing I saw was Mikey's face.

  "Raph bro, wake up were back!" Mikey patted my shoulder and ran off to his room upstairs.

  "What? Wheres Leo?" I sat up and looked around I saw Don in the kitchen, but no sign of Leo.

  "Oh Raph Leo's in your room." Don turned around and walk towards me. "He told us to wake you up and to tell you to go meet him up over at your room" Don went back inside the kitchen.

  "Uh, okay." I walked upstairs and opned my room door to find Leo on my floor. 

  "Leo?! Ya better not be joking around with me!" I ran to Leo and tried to shake him. Nothing. He wasn't breathing. 

  "Don! Mikey! Come here quick Leo isn't breathing! Guys! Ya gotta help me!" I knocked on Mikey's door and yelled for Don down the stairs.

  "What do you mean Raph?!" Don came running up the stairs, two steps at a time and Mikey swung his door open right after I finished my sentence.

  I ran into my room and I went to my knees in front of Leo's body. I started to cry. "Leo...He won't speak to me and he isn't breathing."

  "No! Don! Please tell me you can do something about Leo! I don't want to loose him!" Mikey's voice started to get faint.

  Don stood there for a second and he was in total shock, he all of a sudden went on his knees and pushed me lightly to the side and he tried to give him CPR. After a while Leo moved but he still was unconscious. At least he was breathing.

  "Raph, pick Leo up and bring him to my room, I can take care of him in there." Don stood up and I picked him up in a flash of a second and I was already halfway down the staris. 

  "Guys hurry up I don't want him to stop breathing again." I was still crying but not as hard now that I know that Leo's breathing. I'm hoping he will wake up soon because I've never been this scared in my life.

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