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"Komaeda!" His step-mother called out.

"Yes, mother?"

"Did you do the dishes?"

"Yes, mother,"

"Did you clean the bathroom?"

"Yes, mother,"

"Did you fix my ripped dress?"

"Yes, mother,"

"Then go to your room and do not come out again for the rest of the night,"

"Yes, mother..." Komaeda walked into his very small, cramped room. The only furniture that was in the room was a small bed and a drawer his very few clothes were inside of.

He waited until everyone else went to bed so he could secretly climb out the window and go on a walk to clear his mind a bit. It was slowly getting dark so there weren't a lot of people outside.

A few birds flew towards Komaeda and he held out his finger for one of them to land on. "Hello there, little guy," he said, smiling. The bird chirped. "Aw, you're so cute!" Komaeda pet the bird.

Suddenly, he heard a horse galloping and then coming to a stop soon after. "Are you talking to a bird?" A voice asked.

Komaeda looked to the side and saw a young man sitting on a horse. His clothing looked very, very expensive and fancy.

"Uhm, yes. I am,"

The other man smiled. "Cool." He jumped off the horse and ran his hand through his brown hair. "Can I touch your bird?"

"Oh, it's not my pet!" Komaeda said. "It just sort of... landed on my hand,"

"That's even more cool. Birds always fly away from me,"

"Animals tend to like me a lot," He explained. "Uhm, what's your name?"

"Hinata Hajime,"

"Huh?? Like the prince? Are you the prince??"


"Eh?? I, uhm, I-..."

"Hey, it's fine, really. I don't bite," Hinata told him. "Anyway, what's your name?"

The bird flew away from him. "Oh no! It just left... Well, I should really go home now. Have a nice night, your highness!" He hurried off, nervous.

As Komaeda almost ran through the windy night, the bow that was holding his hair together came off and flew towards Hinata. The brunet caught it and looked at the other boy as he disappeared in the night.

"I hope I get to see him again,"


"Hajime!" The king called out.

"Yes?" The brunet said, walking down the stairs in the castle.

"You have not found a woman to marry yet,"


"So, I have decided that we will hold a ball for you to meet many women and then choose one of them to marry,"

Hinata nodded. "Alright,"

"The ball will be held in three days. I have already let the invitations be delivered to everyone in the kingdom. Make sure to choose wisely. I know there will be women who pretend to be nicer than they actually are because they want to marry a prince. So make sure the lady you choose is who she says she is,"

"I will,"

"Good. Now then, I have things to do. You go do... whatever you do in your freetime,"

The brunet decided to take a walk around the kingdom. He had nothing to do right now, so he might as well get some fresh air. He noticed a market going on nearby and made his way over to it.

♡ Hinakoma/ Komahina Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now