Chapter Seven

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I'm finally feeling more settled in now and my confidence around my flatmates who I consider my friends. Me and Amy are inseparable unless we're in classes apart from the English Language one. A friendship is developing with India and Jake as well. Everyone has been talking about the first student social coming up. I keep dithering on whether to go or not. The thought of being surrounded by many drunken and horny students, doesn't appeal in the slightest. Okay, I sound like an eighty year old. Ha! I guess life changing events can really change a person and what they value, but that's not to say that spending your student days getting trashed and sleeping around with as many people as possible is wrong. Everyone is different. I guess my priorities are different to others. "Are you going to the social?" Amy asks me. "I don't know." I shrug. "Let's go shopping and get some food at the mall, while we're there. Just me and you." She tells me. We go to our rooms to get ready. I decide on a pair of low waisted jeans and a cropped top with an opened large loose shirt. I'm just finished my makeup which I've lightly applied when Amy comes sauntering in. "How on earth do you look so chic?! I look like a little boy when I wear something like that." I laugh. "Amy, you always look amazing. I have scars, my muscle mass is so low and my boobs aren't that big." She wraps her arms around me from behind. She holds her phone out in front of us and snaps a picture of us both. "You're crying hun, what's wrong?" She wipes my tear with her thumb. "I've haven't had a best friend in a long time and I've forgotten what it feels like. I'm just being silly." I watch as she smiles at me. "I'm delighted that you are my best friend. You're stuck with me, girlfriend. Now and forever." We laugh.
A few hours later.
I'm stood looking at my reflection in the mirror in the changing room. I wish I was more like Amy. She really does look amazing in whatever she's wearing. I have a chequered dress but it goes mid thigh and I feel really self-conscious. "Let me see what you have on..." I pull the curtain back and I try to inch the dress down. "That looks good on you. What about wearing tights? Would that make you feel comfortable?" I contemplate her idea. She then points to the other outfit which was the same but in a skirt and top set. I close the curtain and change over to the set. I hear Amy walking back towards the changing room so I pull them back. In her hands, she is holding several pairs of tights in different tones and shades. I notice a pair that have cute patterns on them which make me giggle.
It's now her turn to try on some outfits so I take my place on the couch opposite the changing room and mess around on my phone while I wait for her.

We're deciding where to get our food from in the food court that they have here in the mall. I fancy some Chinese food and she said she wants to get a pie or something like that. "I'll go get mine and see you at a table." I tell her. Thankfully, there wasn't much of a queue. I'm quickly sat down at a table when I spot Amy standing waiting to be served at her stall that she went to.
I'm tucking into my food when Amy comes to join me at the table, I'm surprised to see J standing behind her. I swallow as I look at him from his feet to his face. "Look who I bumped into?!" Amy says cheerfully. I exchange eye contact with him. He's dressed more like he was when I first met him.

"Hi J

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"Hi J... Professor Knight " I mumble. "Hi Matilda. I should leave you ladies to eat your lunch in peace. Nice to see you...both." After he said 'you' he paused as he glances at me and quickly adds 'both' so that Amy doesn't suspect any awkwardness or anything. "Bye Professor!" She says. His eyes linger on me as mine go on him. I could never get enough of looking into those deep dark eyes, and I shake my head to push these thoughts away. "Bye, Sir." I say timidly, my eyes not straying away from him. He goes to walk past us and his arm reaches out to squeeze my shoulder gently as he passes. I find myself gasping silently to myself at the feel of him on me. Once he's past me, I turn in my chair to watch him walk away. His pants look extra snug on his backside which I can't help but stare at. At a distance, he stops and turns round on the spot. His eyes linger into mine. He shows a tight lipped smile, nods and walks away out of sight.

Sitting on a bar stool in the corner with Amy, Jake and India. Jake has come along with some of his flatmates and so has India. Mine and Amy's flatmates are here somewhere. The university has its own function hall where students can book student socials and various parties.
My outfit is the two piece set with dark tights and a little faux leather jacket. Not only Amy but all of the girls in the apartment persuaded me to choose this particular outfit. I feel better with the tights hiding my scars and weak muscles.

After a little bit of dancing, I'm sitting back down and enjoying my non alcoholic drink while everyone else is starting to get a little tipsy

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After a little bit of dancing, I'm sitting back down and enjoying my non alcoholic drink while everyone else is starting to get a little tipsy. Amy continually takes pictures of us, especially of me and her. I stand up for a moment to stretch my legs out and I find myself looking towards the bar. For some strange reason I feel like I'm being watched so I carry on looking over there, then I notice him. Is it him? His eyes are on me. Those beautiful dark brown irises. Through all of the students, I have no doubt that I'd be able to pick him out. I make my way through towards the bar and when I finally get to it, there's no sign of him. Where could he have gone? Maybe I'm being delusional or just tired. If it was him then why was he here at a student social? I wish he would have stayed, even for just five minutes but I know it is risky for him to be seen talking to me out of university. I spend the rest of the night thinking about him and wishing things were different between us.

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