Chapter Eighteen - Part 1 - Jordan's POV

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Jordan's POV

She hasn't noticed me or that she is intentionally ignoring me because when she came in to the classroom, she made a beeline for her friends. I hear Jake whistle at her which makes me glance over at them. I have to stifle myself when I hear her shoot him down. Go girl! I look down at my desk to hide my smirk. She does look incredible and my heart wishes she could dress up like this for me.
I hear Jake's voice raise causing me to glance over at their table. Amy shouts at him. Then I see Maddie stand up. Her eyes are filled with sadness as she pushes her chair backwards. I watch as she runs outside. I stand up and ask the class to keep on working. I shoot a glare towards Jake.

Amy too sends a look of pleading to me to be gentle with her friend

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Amy too sends a look of pleading to me to be gentle with her friend. I nod towards her, acknowledging her request. As soon as the door closes behind me, I ask Maddie if she is okay, stupid question when she's obviously upset. I know I shouldn't but I place my hand on her shoulder.

I shudder when she asks me what she's asks what she asked

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I shudder when she asks me what she's asks what she asked. Anger is surging through me but in order not to frighten her, I reel it in. I'm frustrated with not being able to tell her my true feelings about how she looks and I find myself swearing in front of her. She giggles which surprises me but I welcome hearing her soft giggles for tears and hurt. Her comment makes me struggle for words when she mentions about my filthy mouth, oh sweetheart, if only she knew what dirty filthy thoughts crossed my mind whenever I think about and look at her. I have every intention to talk to Jake. If only I didn't have to remain professional though! I slip when I tell Maddie that she looks breathtaking but if it makes her smile then it's worth breaking a rule. I'm trying my hardest to not overhear the girls conversation at the end of class but it's hard not to when I can see how excited they are. I think Maddie is going on a date, I think Joe did mention it but I thought he was jesting. Amy and India are chanting that kissing rhyme, I want to punch this desk and escape with Maddie myself even though I can't. She doesn't look too pleased at them chanting it to her or she's embarrassed which is something I've noticed about her. She blushes easily, it's adorable when her cheeks turn crimson. Trying to be decent, I wish her a fun time as she glances at me on her way out of my classroom. Seeing the girls watching Maddie out of the window, my eyes follow theirs and I watch as Maddie and Joey embrace each other. If only I was as excited as everyone else.
Bored of my own company, I headed to Joe's place for a few hours. We've already had a few drinks and Jon has left to go home to his partner; Harley. Joe is on his laptop; laughing. "What's so funny, bud?" I've always been curious. He gestures for me to join him on the sofa so I go to sit next to him. He points to the screen. It's Maddie with dick shaped straws. There's more photos before this one but I can't take my eyes off the screen, off her. Her full lips wrapped around the straw sends signals to my groin area and I have to shuffle my position to feel less restricted.

She looks adorable dressed in matching pjs to the other girls in the pictures

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She looks adorable dressed in matching pjs to the other girls in the pictures. Joe has the bright idea of phoning her, and he does. I can hear girls screeching and laughing. He decides to put his phone on loudspeaker. Amy's voice comes to the phone shouting about how Maddie is loving sucking the dick straws and is finding herself to be hilarious. Meanwhile the image of Maddie is doing filthy things in my mind and my groin. Maddie seems like she's embarrassed by her tone and giggling along. Joey is laughing as well.
Eventually after a few more beers, I decided to head home. Lazily, I put on some porn but with every girl in each of the videos, all I see is Maddie's beautiful face. That's how I roll with it, by pretending the girls are Maddie while I try to relieve the tension down in my groin.
The next day, I'm supposed to be catching up with the family but I have some spare time and I stop by at Joe's house. When he answers, he usually steps back for me to walk inside but he hasn't this time. I try to act like I'm not bothered even though I'm very much so. Joe is talking when I glance at the bay window and I see a shadow standing in it. I'm positive it's Maddie but I act as if I haven't seen her. It's her size and the same features. I've stared enough at her to know her womanly shape and size. She hides back; thinking that I haven't seen her when I actually have. After failing to gain entry, I say my bye and slowly walk away. I refrain from glancing back at the window but I have no doubt that she's watching me. I don't mean to sound cocky or arrogant but when you get that feeling of someone watching you then it's that.
I stop to get a coffee at the bistro before I have work. I'm standing at the counter waiting when I spot Joey in the corner. Squinting my eyes, I notice a jacket on the back of the chair that isn't his. It's a female one. Is he with Maddie? As soon as I've finished being served, I head over after making eye contact with Joe. We fist bump when I get to the table and I sit in the vacant seat. We're talking when she appears. Her voice goes squeaky when she talks causing her to blush. I could punch Joe for snickering when she is obviously embarrassed hence why I kick him in the ankle. I try to act nonchalant when he's talking and getting cosy with her, yet it feels like I've been kicked in the balls. I sigh a sense of relief when she leaves us after having to endure him being all lovey with her; including his hands on her backside. If he's trying to purposely push my buttons then he's succeeding. I hate it. I hate it more knowing that I can't do anything. I'm surprised at myself when I told him to not say anything about me getting laid in front of her. There'll be no chance of that happening due to the fact there's only one girl who I want in my bed and I can't have her. I did have a few choice of words with Joe once she did leave.

End of part one...

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