Miss Piggy

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As much as I wanted to stay with Jordan, I knew I needed to get back to the apartment to catch up on some of my coursework. I needed to get a shower and relax ready for the week ahead. Jordan said I was able to use his but I didn't have any of my washing stuff and I was scared in case he walked in to see my scarred legs. It took us about half an hour or so for me to leave his place as we kept on kissing and hugging. He paid for the taxi after us going back and forth with him wanting to drop me off although it was risky so he reluctantly agreed to let me get a taxi to take me home.
The second I walked into my apartment, the girls had pounced on me but soon loosened their grip once they realised my slight discomfort.

"You alright?" They ask me

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"You alright?" They ask me. I nod. "I'm doing good, tired but I'm feeling better. I'm sorry to have worried you all. I just had a few rough days, lack of sleep and it all got too much so stupidly I ended up going to some bar getting wasted." Amy carries my rucksack while I have hold of my handbag as we walk to my room.
Amy sat down on my bed next to me. "Joey brought your car for you and he told he was taking care of you. So have you both made up?" I can feel sweat on the back of my neck as I try to think of something to reassure her with. "Yeah, I'm doing much better. I'll probably have an early night tonight though after doing some coursework. Me and Joe are fine, we chatted for a bit but I mostly just rested. I am sorry for worrying you, Amy. I know I was irresponsible and lost in my head." I hug her.
We chat about mundane stuff and she tells me about how her and the girls want a movie night in together tonight so I agree. It feels like I haven't seen them much lately although that's probably my own fault. When she leaves my room, I use the time to get some coursework done. Pretty boring to some people but it's gotta be done and it makes me feel good knowing it's completed. I've worked too bloody hard to let myself get behind or get rubbish grades!
My phone vibrates on

my bed and I didn't look at my screen so I reluctantly answer; "hello?" - "Hello Maddie, it's Jordan

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my bed and I didn't look at my screen so I reluctantly answer; "hello?" - "Hello Maddie, it's Jordan. I just wanted to check you got back to your apartment okay?" Oh my god, he must think I'm a right idiot for not realising that it's him! "Hey J, yeah, been busy doing some coursework. Sorry I had forgotten to send you a message to let you know. What are you up to?" I can tell he's smiling by the warmth in his voice. "Just having a break from marking students' work. Good to hear you are doing your work, being a good student." His voice gets a little huskier. "I'm always a good student, and I'm sure my professors would attest to it too, Sir." He chuckles. "Maybe I should log into the system and see what they say about you? Hmm... right now though I'd beg to differ." I gasp. He can do that?! "And why do you say that you'd beg to differ, Sir?" I ask Alexa to play some music and just to embarrass me, it decides to play The Cheeky Girls causing me to groan in shame. I send a photo of my coursework that's for him to prove my point. I hear him laughing. "Nice choice of music babe! Well done for doing your work, are you okay though? You've gone a little quiet." He asks. "Yeah, I'm okay. This is all just so new to me. I'm a bit scared to be honest with you." I confess. "Maddie, it's okay and natural to be scared sweetheart. I know that us having to be careful is not going to be easy but as long as we are honest with each other and communicate, then we should be alright." I nod even though he can't see me through the phone. "Okay, I agree. I don't want to mess things up and that's one of the reasons I'm scared." I tell him truthfully. "That's why it's important to communicate with me and me the same with you." He reassures me. "Yes, J...." I'm cut off when I hear my name being called from the main living area. "I should go and see what the girls are calling me for but I'll see you tomorrow?" He chuckles. "Of course, darling. I'll see you tomorrow but it'll be formality again though, okay? Have some fun with the girls and don't be getting into any trouble." I laugh before we say our goodbyes. I put my phone in my pocket and head out to where I can hear voices.
"Maddie, we're getting a takeaway. What would you like to order?" Bobbie hands me a menu to browse through. It's from a Chinese place. "Hmm... chicken and noodle soup. Salt and pepper chicken pieces. Chicken curry and rice, chicken fried rice and chicken omelette, and some Coke, please." The girls all stare at me like I've grown two heads. "I'm hungry! I can have lots of leftovers for the next few days as well." I laugh as I defend myself. "Is lover boy coming over to share it with you?" Davina teases. "Nope! Definitely not. Just us girlies!" As much as I wish he could join us, it's a no. I plonk myself down on the comfy chair.
There's a knock at the front door. Amy stands up assuming it's the takeaway delivery but when she opens the door... "hey Joe!" I quickly turn my head to face the door and there stood Joe gazing at her. I stand up and walk over to him, "hey, what are you doing here?" I greet him, and I can feel the girls gaze at my back. "May we chat?" I step back so he can come inside. "Let's go to my room." I gesture for him to lead the way seeing as he knows where it is, I stop to say to the girls to call me when the food is here.
I close my door and ask Alexa to play some music to drown out any part of our conversation, and thankfully no cheesy music plays this time. "So, what do I owe with this visit?" I joke. I sit down on my bed. "I wanted to check in on you." Aww that's nice. "You could have messaged or phoned me but thank you. Are you okay though?" He sits down at desk chair. "I'm good, I've been thinking..." I give him the look causing him to laugh. "You and your fella need to be careful and I can still help out." He says. "What do you mean?" I'm not quite following where he's going with this. "What are you going to say when he takes you on a date and your friends question you?" I take a moment to think about what he's saying. He's right. "I don't know, it's all so new Joe. I don't want to mess it all up. That's what I'm scared about. What if he looks at me differently when I tell him what I've been through, I can't bare the thought of him looking at me with disgust or like a victim." I look at the floor. His fingers grip my chin and tilts it up so I'm looking into his bright blue eyes. "I don't know how he'll react but one thing for certain is that he won't look at you like that. You should tell him sooner than later though. I know how difficult it is for you to allow someone to be so physically close to you. I don't even know exactly what you went through and that's your choice. You can use me." I can feel my eyes widen. "What? What do you mean by using you?" He chuckles. "As long as everyone thinks you're dating me, they won't suspect you two." Oh god. "Joe, I don't know. It all got so complicated and I don't want that again." He nods. "Okay. The offer is there anyway, okay? So everything went good after I left his?" I smile as I think about Jordan. "Yes, we talked it out, and we agreed that this is what we want. We just have to be really careful. I'm glad you two talked too though, Joe. I can tell you mean a lot to him." I watch as he smiles. "Even though both me and him have our own blood relatives, we are brothers. We've grown up together and pretty much know each other inside out. He deserves to be happy and you make him happy." Now it's my turn to smile. "You deserve to be happy too, Joseph. Is there a girl who you've got your eye on?" I remember Jordan vaguely mentioning about him liking someone. "Maybe. It's complicated though." He glances at my bedroom door as if he's looking through it. "Whatever is making it complicated, tell her how you feel. Don't make the same mistakes as I've done. Don't lose her cos she's lucky whoever she is." I watch as he stands up. "Come here, let me have a hug before I go! I'm gonna go and have some bro time with your hot shot professor." He whispers the last part in my ear. "Look after each other. Thanks for coming by." My stomach rumbles loudly. He laughs. My cheeks blush. "I'll walk you to the front door." We hug and we leave my room. I smell the food before I see it on the kitchen island counter. "How you gonna decide where to start?" Callie teases pointing to all of my food containers. "Wow, that's all for you?!" He's surprised. I nod. "Miss Piggy. Can I have some?"

I push him towards the front door

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I push him towards the front door. "It's all going in my belly! I think I deserve a treat to fill me up." His eyes widen. "I think that's a certain someone's job." He leans in, kisses me on my cheek and winks before walking away.
I lay back in the comfy chair with my hands on my food belly and I keep taking deep breaths. Jeez I've ate too much!! The girls are laughing at me and take photos of me looking like a slob. "Don't take those, I look like I'm seven months pregnant!" I beg Amy to stop with her phone but I can't stop laughing. 'How can you look so adorable yet so amusing at the same time?! Jxx' I read Jordan's message to me. Oh my goodness, way to feel embarrassed! Thanks Amy. I send him the emoji where it's flipping up its middle finger. 'That's not how you talk to your professor, Matilda. Naughty girl. I did say adorable or did you purposely ignore that? Jxx' I can tell he's teasing me. 'You were laughing at me with the word amusing... think you need to give yourself some homework. Mxx' I wait as the three dots bounce on the screen. 'Students don't usually give their professors homework but let me know what it is...' I wait a moment. 'Read a dictionary. Learn what amusing means. I'll be expecting this to be completed by the end of my last class tomorrow. I have such a boring last class with such an ugly professor. Mxx' I play along with him. 'Poor professor, I feel sorry for him. He's got a bratty student. Jxxx' my mouth opens. 'I'll show you what a bratty student is, Sir. I think I'm gonna end up falling asleep on this chair, I'm too full to move. Be nice to me, Sir. Pretty please.xxx' I glance a look at the girls and they're all engrossed with the movie. They probably think I'm texting Joey anyway. 'Better behave yourself in class missy, no preferential treatment from me. Aww... your fake boyfriend showed me all of the food you ordered. Get to bed and rest up. You'll end up with a bad back and neck pain. I'm already missing you baby.' I text him saying I'm missing him too and then we exchange goodnight messages.

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