Chapter Fifty-Two

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I sit in my car and just relax for a little while. My phone rings so I go to grab it from my bag, I press on the answer button but I drop it in the footwell. "Hang on!" I shout out, hoping whoever has called me can hear me. I hear a deep laughter, sounds like Jordan's. With my phone finally back in my hand I begin the conversation.

"I was wondering if you wanted to spend the evening with me?" He asks me. "Sure, I'd like that. Oh I've got some homework to do so would you mind if I bring it with me?" He reassures me that it's fine for me to do and that he'll do some marking his students work at the same time. I tell him I'm planning on going to the drive through for food and offers to get him whatever he wants.
Nearly an hour later, I'm pulling up outside Jordan's house. Ooh I feel kinda giddy sitting in my car looking out at his house. I unbuckle my seatbelt and as I turn to open the door, it's opened for me by the handsome guy himself with a big smile on his face. "Hey, let me grab your bag and the food for you." I pick them up and as I turn to hand them to him, he leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back. "Keep those in your lap and put your arm around me." He instructs. "What you doing?" Is he really going to carry me to his front door? Yep he really is. He manages to lock my car and carries me like I weigh absolutely nothing. I giggle like a schoolgirl in his arms. Once he's placed me on the sofa, he lifts the coffee table closer to the sofa. "Now you're just showing off Professor Knight." I tease him to which he just smirks. "I don't need to show off when you're already my girl." I roll my eyes while I secretly melt when he winks. I unload the food bag. While Jordan is in the kitchen, I take off my jacket and footwear, then put them in a neat little pile on the floor near the sofa. I notice the blanket throw on the back of the sofa and yank it down. I pull it over myself.

He takes one look at me when he sees me and begins to chuckle. "Making yourself at home huh?!" I nod, with a cheesy grin on my face. I sneakily tuck the blanket under myself to see his reaction when he realises what I've done. He sits himself down next to me and goes to reach for the blanket but I force myself to keep a straight face. "Care to share?" I shake my head playfully. "How am I going to get it from you, huh?!" I pretend to think. "Hmm you're a clever guy, I'm sure you can you use that brain of yours." He gazes down at me. I'm lightly peppered with kisses all over my face causing me to smile. Then he tries to pull the blanket but it's stuck firmly beneath me. He kisses me but on the lips. Forgetting about the blanket, I wrap my arms around his neck to he closer to him. Unexpectedly, he pulls away and slides his hands inside where I'm cocooned within the blanket. His fingers find my sides and I squeal because it's tickling me. Oh oh I think he's twigged that I'm ticklish as he manages to pull the blanket away off me and really begins to tickle me. I kick my legs out and play fight with him. It's funny. Until I get a flashback and I freeze. "Hey, are you okay?" I gaze up at him as I try to calm my breathing down. My eyes close as he brushes my hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry." He frowns slightly. "What are you saying sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart." In my head, it's telling me that I should use this opportunity to tell him about my past and what I've been through but I just want things to be good for the first time in such a long time in my life. "It's been so long since I've been this close to anyone like this." That's all I tell him but he gives me a tender smile and places a soft kiss on my forehead. "I don't want you to fret or feel pressured, okay? I'm going to ask you something so please be honest?" I nervously bite my lip. I nod a little. "Is this the first time you've been intimate with someone in a long time or first time in general?" I feel myself blushing and feeling embarrassed. I glance away to avoid making eye contact with him. He gently tilts my chin so I'm gazing into his beautiful eyes. "Am I correct in assuming that this is your first time in general?" There's no judgement in his voice. I whisper "yes". "That's okay, baby. We'll go as slow as you need to. I'm just really happy that you're actually here and that we're spending time together." He leans down to kiss me softly.
Some time later...
"This food is so good, but I'm so full!" I groan as I rub my bloated stomach leaning against the back of the sofa. "Let's watch a movie while we let the food settle and then I need to do some more marking." He says as he yawns. That reminds me I need to do something of my own work as well. I'll do it when he does his.
Snuggled up with Jordan and the blanket spread out over the both of us, I find myself dozing off. There's just something so comforting about being snuggled up with him.
I'm startled awake when I hear and feel the vibrations from Jordan laughing. My eyes gaze over to where the telly is and I'm trying to work out what is happening on it. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I mumbled. I yawn. "What time is it?" The thought of my homework crosses my mind. "Time to be doing my work, baby." Guess it's definitely time. "Five more minutes like this first then I'll sit up properly." I bat my eyelashes up at him causing him to chuckle. "Five more minutes but that's all." I can tell he's smiling. I can feel his heart beating in his chest right next to where I'm resting my head. I glance downward at him. I'm trying to imagine what he's like there, would he hurt me, what he looks like beneath the layers of clothing but I've only ever felt pain from that area. A part of me desperately wants to know what it feels like but I'm scared.
Jordan disappears to get his work from his office and I just pull my bag over. I empty its contents out on the sofa so I can work out what I'm going to focus on. I slouch back on the sofa with my hands covering my face. I grumble to myself. "Ha, what's going on?" His gaze points between me and my coursework. "I just don't know where to start. There's English Language, General Studies and Creative Writing. I'm usually quite good at compartmentalising my work but today, it all seems so much." I frown. He kneels down beside the sofa. "Can I look at what you're doing?" I nod. "Feel free to do it for me. Maybe I can do yours instead?" I tease. He bellows. "Nice try babe, but nope can do." I watch as he scans through my different pieces of coursework. He's so sexy when he's in his professor mode and I find myself giggling quietly. He must have heard me giggling as he glances up at me with a smirk on his face. "What?" I shake my head telling him "nothing." He shuffles through some of my work. "You're really smart, Maddie. Much smarter than I am. Maybe you should go into teaching or something..." I laugh. "Nope. I want to write for a living. I couldn't do what you do." He moves closer to me so he's kneeling between my knees. "It's different from performing on stage and creating music but I'm finding my feet with it. It's inspiring to see students like yourself when they're talented with words. Although some of the pieces I've read are little like where the hell has that come from but it's fascinating." I gently run my fingers through his hair by his ear. "You're a very inspiring professor, Jordan. Also by what I see and hear, you're very easy on the eyes for a lot of the students." He wriggles his brows playfully. "What's your thoughts on the latter?" I giggle. Trust him to only focus on this. "Well I wouldn't be here, would I?!" I blush. He leans forward, placing his hands on either side of my face then kisses me.

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