It's All Been A Ploy? - Jordan's POV

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Feeling frustrated with myself and not knowing what to do, I go to the gym. Unlike the time I went and forgotten to put on some boxing gloves, so I was able to really punch the punch bag with all that I have. I felt slightly less stressed, only just though. I shower after I've finished my heavy workout and then head for the bar next door. It's the same bar that I frequent on a regular basis nowadays knowing that I can go in there and not get disturbed. I head for the bar and order myself a shandy. I'm driving so I don't want to get wasted and end up leaving my car in the car park. "Alright bud."

The regular barman greets me after fixing up my drink for me

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The regular barman greets me after fixing up my drink for me. "Hey, got a new customer in and by the looks of it, she's had a tough day or week. Seems like such a sweet girl but by the looks of it, I'm going to have to call her a taxi to wherever she's from..." he points to the side of the bar. At first, I just see a girl slouched in her chair but then she turns. "What the..." I mutter out loud. "How long has she been in here?" I ask the barman, "since about five." I push my bar stool backwards and rush over. "Maddie, hey, are you okay sweetheart?" I brush her hair away from her face. Her eyes are red and puffy. There's a glaze look in her eyes from the alcohol.

The barman comes over

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The barman comes over. "Do you know her?" He asks me. "Yeah, I'm gonna take her home to sleep off the drink. Thanks for keeping an eye on her, mate. I wouldn't have seen her if it wasn't for you." He pats me on the back and offers to help me. I push her drink away and crouch down so that I'm eye level with her. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna take you home. Can you stand up for me?" I ask her, softly but loud enough to make sure that she can hear me. I grab her handbag and check around her to make sure there's nothing that belongs to her, place the strap over my shoulder. I try to stand her up but she's too drunk to do so. I decide to pick her up bridal style and coax her to wrap her arm around my neck. The barman goes to open the door for us and I shout "thanks" to him over my shoulder. I manage to pull out my key fodder from my pants pocket. I glance down at her face which her head is resting against my shoulder. She looks so peaceful and angelic. "So beautiful, my darling. I'm so sorry baby. This is all my fault. I'm gonna take good care of you, somehow." We get to my car and I unlock it using the fodder. I manage to open the passenger door without dropping the sleeping beauty in my arms and gently sit her down. I strap her in. As soon as I've climbed in to my driver's seat, my phone starts ringing. "Hey Joe, huh, what? Yeah, I've found her. I'm going to take her back to mine. Okay, see you there. Thanks." I put my phone back in my pocket and glance over at Maddie. "Oh sweetie, you've got everyone worrying about you. Right, let's get you back to mine." I talk so quietly to myself.
As soon as I got back home, I carried Maddie up to my room and carefully laid her down on my bed. I take off her shoes and jacket and then pull the duvet over her to keep her warm while she sleeps off the alcohol. There's a knock on my front door so I go to answer it to find Joey standing there. I let him inside. I follow him into the living room. "Where was she and is she okay?" He's straight in with the questioning. "She was at the bar that I've been going to and she was wasted. She's asleep upstairs." He runs his hands through his hair, messing it up further.

"What the hell happened Jordan?!" He accuses me

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"What the hell happened Jordan?!" He accuses me. "How do I know?! I just found her like I did. She wouldn't talk to me in class." I sigh. "She's been really upset and distant lately since I walked in that day at your classroom." He states. I shrug. "You're her boyfriend, Joe, you tell me why?!" I respond. I can feel myself getting a little bit frustrated. "If you actually bothered to answer my calls and my texts, or let Maddie talk then you'd know that it was all a ploy to help you two get close but you chose to ignore both of us! Then that made her ignore me too so now she hates me and thinks you hate her. I could have been there for her while you were too busy being a dickhead ignoring the poor girl while her heart has been breaking, instead she has been through all of this on her own!" He rants at me whilst getting up in my face so I push him, but I push him too hard causing him to fall backwards onto the sofa. He quickly stands back up and charges at me. We end up scuffling with each other until we are both panting for breath.
"What did you mean by it's all been a ploy?" I throw my question at him, not quite understanding what he's saying. Remember when you first told me that you'd met a girl and really liked her but then had to end things with her for whatever reason you said?" I nod. He continues... "then I met Maddie at your restaurant. I saw the way you looked at one another. The next time I saw her, I caught her staring at photos of you on my social media. It clicked then that she was the girl you'd told me about and I managed to get her to tell me that she liked you. Even though she was very reluctant, I suggested me and her to fake date to show you what you were missing. Over the time, you happened to be there for her whenever she needed rescuing. At Donnie's party, I decided to leave her in that hallway cos I saw you standing alone in that room and I knew something had happened between you both. I deliberately kept my conversation or interaction with her scarce at the table afterwards, knowing you would talk to her. The games night we had, I purposely invited both of you and picked out those games that were you know; cheeky. Again I knew something had happened between you. Finally; when I walked into your classroom and caught you both, I was so happy. I had to fake it just one last time but I guess I was too believable cos now we're here." I can feel my head spinning from all of what he's just said to me. I sit down on the sofa as I rub my temples. "But why, why all this fake dating? Did you not like her at all?" Joe begins to laugh. "Oh Jordan, bro. She's utterly and completely smitten with you. She's an amazing girl, with a heart of gold and very attractive but there's another girl that I like. I knew you would keep her at arms length cos of your day job despite how you feel about her and I thought it if I made you jealous enough and work my magic, you both would naturally draw closer together."

I let out a huge sigh

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I let out a huge sigh. I rub my face. "I love her, Joe. I just don't want to risk jeopardising her future and my job although she is worth more than the job now. What do I do?" He comes to sit next to me and squeezes my shoulder as I begin to sob. What an utter mess. "Give her time, when she's ready to talk, tell her how you really feel about her. If you want to be with her, then make that happen and show her how much she means to you. She thinks you hate her." I shake my head disappointed in myself even more so. "I could never hate her. Never. I could understand if she hates me now though." We sit side by side in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. I have so much to do to prove to her how sorry I am and how much I really feel about her.
When I go to check on her, she won't even look at me and her responses are short. Then I send Joey in to see if he can help her while she won't let me. Once he's inside talking to her, I listen to their conversation. It breaks my heart hearing what she's saying to him. I've so much work to do with regard to her. I'll do whatever it takes. Even if it means quitting the teaching job that I've come to love and enjoy, because she's my happiness.

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