What The Hell...?!

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Throughout the night once I got back home from being dropped off by the guys, I dreamt of Jordan. It was of us being together officially as a couple where all of our loved ones accepted us and we were able to just be like any other couple. Where we would just randomly kiss on the street and hold hands wherever we went. It was amazing and so freeing. When my alarm went off this morning, I perhaps grumbled to myself more times than I can count my fingers on.
My early classes felt like they had dragged on forever and I was glad to see Amy outside the classroom for Jordan's class. Her eyes took one look at me, "even though you look physically better than the other day, you look shattered! Bad night sleep?" Fighting to keep my composure. I force myself to smile just a little bit so and I respond with "not so much bad, just not enough sleep but I'll be fine." I scroll through my social media feeds. Then I scroll through my photo album and I cant help but smile at them.

My brother's face appeared on my screen and I swipe to answer his call

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My brother's face appeared on my screen and I swipe to answer his call. "Hey, how are you?" I'm still talking on the phone when I see Jordan letting everyone in his classroom. He hasn't seen me yet although his eyes are searching for something or someone, he smiles when Amy talks to him and then he turns my way after her pointing towards me. I point to my phone. "Hey, can you hold a second, please?" I plead on the phone as Jordan walks over to me. I press the mute on it. "I'll be a quick as I can." I tell him. "Don't be too long, okay? The work is easy today so there's no need to worry that brain too much about not keeping up while I explain." He smirks. "Cheeky, Sir." I shake my head at his cheekiness and then watch him making his way to the room. "Thanks for holding, but I should get going. I don't want my professor punishing me for being tardy, ha! Love ya too. Can't wait to see you all soon. Bye."

I said the part about my professor punishing me loud enough so that Jordan will hear me

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I said the part about my professor punishing me loud enough so that Jordan will hear me. Two can play this game, let's see who's the distracted one today! Putting my phone into my pocket as I walk to the classroom. I purposely try to walk with a sway of my hips just like I did last night where I know Jordan was watching me. Once I'm sat down, and after amy asking who was on the phone, I whisper that it was Xavier. I ask her about the work he's set us. He's currently trying to talk to a student near his desk. Like he said, it's easy and I manage to focus. I then show it to Amy to see if it's what he was looking for, and thankfully she gives me the thumbs up.
"So how is he doing?" She randomly asks me. "Who?" Feeling confused. "Who you were just talking to before on the phone, from home." Does she have a crush on my brother, eww but if she likes him then who am I to step in her way?! "He's fine, mainly checking in on me and making sure no scumbags are hitting on me." I scowl at the last part, if he had his way he wouldn't let me date but after many conversations and with Ellie included, we managed to persuade him to allow me to date. Before I even ask why she's interested, she says "I was just curious. Is he still hot?" I gasp. "I don't know, I haven't seen him in a while and I wouldn't know if he was or not. I'm not into incest, Amy." She takes my phone and as it's unlocked, she presses away on it. I can't tell what she is doing. Then she hands me the phone back. It vibrates. I look to see Xavier sending me a photo which when I open it, it's one of him and Ellie. Surprising me, she whistles at my phone causing the rest of the class including Jordan to glance our way. "He's definitely hot! You're hot missy but he's hotter. Females aren't my type although I wouldn't say no to you!" Then she kisses me on my cheek, and when l look around, my eyes make contact with Jordan's. His gaze is super focused on me. "Joey's hot too. So is he!" She adds more quietly whilst directing her gaze towards Jordan. I bite my lip just thinking about him and how it feels to be kissed by him. "Is there anyone else or is that enough guys for you?!" I tease her. "Don't blame me, blame my Uterus for making my hormones go crazy at this time of the month! Haha! I'd have any of them, right now." I laugh at her honesty. I guess she's horny. "Think I'm going to be using my toys when I get back home from here." She tells me as if she's just talking about the weather. "What do you have?" She looks at me with surprise in her eyes. "I'll show you my box, but we all like different things don't we?! You thinking about getting some yourself?" She bumps her shoulder into mine, "I'll help you later with finding what you might like." Feeling a little embarrassed that I'm so behind my peers sexually, I can feel my cheeks getting redder. I feel like I'm finally starting to feel more comfortable with myself in some ways.
The bell rings but I'm busy checking out the notification on my phone. It's Jordan. 'Please stay, J🖤' so I deliberately take my time in packing up my bag. Thankfully Amy has to go somewhere so she is quick out of the classroom. I follow behind the other students as they file out. I step in front of Jordan's desk and put my bags down on the table nearby. "Hi Sir, you wanted to see me?" I say sweetly. He looks up upon hearing my voice.

I watch as he stands up and walks round to my side

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I watch as he stands up and walks round to my side. "How did you get on with the work I set?" He asks. I kneel down to reach for my book in my bag to show him. "You know that you should bend your knees when you're in this position, Matilda as it's not good for your back." I look at him over my shoulder and I notice how he's watching me, closely. "I know, Sir. But, I would struggle to stand back up. Are you concerned about me?" My heart races as he leans in by my ear, now that I'm standing upright. "I may be concerned but it wasn't doing me any favours. Let me see what you have done." I hand him my book. He only takes a moment to look through the book before he places it down on his desk. "Aren't you going to read it properly, Sir?" I bite my lip "are you reprimanding me, young lady?" I shake my head to him. "No, Sir. Am I making you mad?" I tease. "No, but I think you may have an idea of what I am feeling, if you keep calling me sir." I gasp at the thought. I look downwards without thinking. I feel his hand brushing my hair behind my ear. "You're being bold, sweetheart or should I call you naughty girl?!" His voice is now deep and raspy. "What the hell..:?" That familiar voice booms from the doorway causing us both to instantly glance towards that direction and there we see a shocked looking Joey.

Jordan steps backwards

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Jordan steps backwards. "Joe, w-what are you doing here?" My voice all croaky. "Looks like I came just in time..." then he gets cut off by Jordan, "I'm sorry Joe." I hear a string of curse words from both guys and I'm stood glancing at them. The moment Jordan has his back towards the door as he's walking to his desk, Joey gestures with his face and finger to talk to Jordan. "I gotta go..." and I watch him walk away. Jordan shouts more expletives. "Jordan, I- I..." he looks straight at me, "you should go. Go and see your boyfriend, Matilda." I go to move but unable to find my feet. "Now, Matilda. I won't ask again." The expression on his face saddens me. I pick up my bags, trying to fight back my tears. "I'm sorry." Then I take one last look at him but he's got his head between his hands.

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