Blacking Out?!

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I finally manage to open my eyes but they soon close when my head starts pounding. My throat burns and I have a sickly taste in my mouth. I look around at my surroundings; where the hell am I?! My eyes spot the suit jacket hanging over the chair in the corner and it hits me, I'm at Jordan's home. How on earth did I end up here? I lay my head back down on the soft plump pillow. All these questions in my head whirring making the pounding feel worse. I cry out.

The door bursts open and in comes Jordan

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The door bursts open and in comes Jordan. He reaches his hand out to check if I'm okay but I swat it away. The hurt in his eyes flashes but he turns stoical. I turn so my back is facing him as I can't bear to look into his eyes. I feel the bed dip under his weight. "I'll get you some water so you don't dehydrate." I hear him sigh before standing up. I feel his gaze upon me for a moment then his footsteps quieten as he goes to leave the room. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. Heaviness sets in as my eyes close.
My eyes flutter open as I can hear hushed voices from the other side of the door. I still can't remember what happened and how I got here. I try to sit up but I feel awful; both my head and my stomach. I lift the covers up to take a look at myself, I still have my clothes on from yesterday. My bra is digging and I really want to take it off but with the way I'm feeling, I think I'm gonna have to leave it on for now. I'm too preoccupied to notice the door opening and feeling the bed dipping on the far side so I'm a little surprised to see Joey sitting there watching me. "What are you doing?" His voice made me jump. "I... I'm confused. Why am I here?" My voice soften and weak sounding. "You blacked out at some bar, thankfully Jordan found you and brought you here." I look over to him, his eyes look dark and tired like he hasn't been sleeping, similar to Jordan. "Why did I black out?" I'm trying not to panic but I struggle. I try to manoeuvre myself and my breathing starts beating rapidly. The next minute, Joey is crouched down next to the bed trying to keep me still. "Hush, it's okay. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you. Try to take deep breaths, Maddie. Let me shout Jordan in..." I cut him off, "no no no!" I begin to sob. He gently pulls me closer to his chest as I cry, soaking his top. "I need to go, get away from here... he hates me. Everything is a mess. It's all just too much." His hand caresses my back by my shoulders.

"Maddie, Jordan doesn't hate you

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"Maddie, Jordan doesn't hate you. Me and him have been talking, he knows about everything. He's worried sick about you and is hating himself for the way he's been with you. You should talk to him, sweetheart." I cling onto Joe's shirt for as long as I can before he reaches for the glass of water on the bedside table. With him holding the glass, I take a few sips of the water. "Why was I blacked out though?" He chuckles softly, "you had a lot to drink and with the medication that you're on although I don't know what you take, together they're a lethal combination." I have flashback of hearing Jordan's voice but not sure where or when. How did he know where I was and why did he save me... I'm lost in my own thoughts when I realise that Jordan has come into the room and his eyes have softened as he gazes down at me.
I let go of my grip on Joey and he stands up. "I need to get going but I'm gonna leave you in the capable hands of this guy here, try and do what I said, yeah?" I only just notice some bruising on him, but then my eyes move along to Jordan and when I see marks on him too, I gasp in shock. Have they been fighting? Joe clears his throat to get a response from me seeing as I got distracted to do so, I nod my head letting him know that I will try and talk to Jordan. He leans down to give me a kiss on my cheek then says something to Jordan that I don't hear properly and I watch him leave.

 He leans down to give me a kiss on my cheek then says something to Jordan that I don't hear properly and I watch him leave

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I struggle to shuffle but I'm too weak, Jordan watches me nervously before asking if I need help which l anxiously accept. "Would you be more comfortable if you changed into something more comfy?" He asks. "Yes, please. If that's no trouble." He goes into his wardrobe area and digs out a T-shirt and a hoodie. He places them on the bed near me. "Do you feel ready to have some food, I can fetch something for you while you change?" I give him a tight lipped smile. When I watch him leave the room, it dawns on me that this is the first time I have been on my own with him. I somehow manage to change out of my clothes into Jordan's with a few groans may I add. My legs are feeling stiff from laying in bed for however long I've been here. The urge to be sick appears and I can feel myself wrenching, so I drag myself albeit slowly, to his bathroom. I climb down onto the floor to kneel over the toilet. The feel of his hand as his fingers hold my hair back and he gently rubs small circles on my lower back as I vomit. When my stomach feels empty and there's no urge to bring anything else up, I lean back and Jordan handed me some toilet roll to wipe my chin and mouth. Being sick has always turned me into a baby and this time is no different, he thankfully lets me cry into his chest as he turned me round so he can cradle me in his arms. "I'm sorry." I mumble out as I sob. He holds me tighter and he hums softly.

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