Chapter 2-Musical talent

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I looked at the guys for a few seconds, they were all dressed in
back. "Um, what?" Was all I could say. "You are great singer, and we like music. In fact we are actually in a band, but we are not famous ur something" the guy with blonde hair said. "I'm Calum, nice to meet you Alex." the darker guy said.

"Nice to meet you too" i smiled back.
"Yeah I'm Luke, and this is Michael. You are very talented" the tall blonde said. "Well, I have worked hard with my music skills" I said proud butt in a dumb way, I didn't want to sound selfish. "But thanks" I continued.

After a little while with Mr. Roberts talking about what we were going to do and learn this year, it started to ring in the school bell. It was lunch time. I walked out of the classroom and headed for the cafeteria. I found a bench and sat dawn. I had forgotten my lunch, typical me.

"Hey cal! Over here!" I shouted to Callie who was on the other side of the cafeteria. She stared to run through the crowd of teenagers. "Hey, omg you have to tell me all about the trip!" she almost screamed out. "Okay, okay, do you have some extra food?" I asked. "Yeah, but only one apple if you want it," she said handing me a big red apple. "Thanks," I said as I took it and starter to attack it with my mouth. "It was probably the best experience I have ever had in my life!" I started. "We went to probably every country in Europe, and the best part is that we didn't have to pay for gas cause my dads job pays for all that stuff." I continued. "Next time I'm coming with you!" Callie said wide eyed. "Yeah but it's probably a long time till next time" I lough.

On the other side of the room I saw a big crowd of girls screaming and shouting. A teacher started to almost push the girls away, and I saw the four guys I met in music class earlier today. The boys noticed me and started to walk through the cafeteria. "What is that about?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "they have probably seen our videos on YouTube," Calum said biting his lip. "Aha, so you are famously then?" I asked, but cal cut me off. "Oh my gosh, I have seen them too!" She said.

"no, but we have some views on them." Ashton explained. "That's cool, what is the channel called?" I asked turning on my iPhone. "5 seconds of summer" the boys said in choir. "I'll look it up when I come home after school" I said nicely. "Sit dawn," Callie said smiling a dumb smile. The boys sat down and we talked about music the hole time. "So you perform music too?" Michael asked.
"I can play guitar, and I also play a little drums but I don't preform." I answered Michael. "Wow, you should! You are amazing!" Ashton said with both eyebrows raised.

His bandana had glide a little down his forehead, so you couldn't really see it. "Well I want to, but I like listening to music more than preforming it," I said, but I heard that it was kinda a stupid thing to say. the school bell rang and we had to go to class. I looked on the paper wit a list of witch classes I had threw the week. Math was next. "I have math too," Michael said looking at my paper. "Cool, do you know where it is?" I asked hoping he would know. "No, this is my first year on this school" he answered. "Shit! We are going to get lost." I said laughing. "Is this your first year too?" Michael asked smiling. "No, I have just been traveling Europe the last too semesters," I explained. His hair was really identical with my own. "I really like your hair by the way." I said trying to find the right classroom. Micheal just laughed.

"Here it is!" He said taking my hand and dragging me in to a classroom. "You are late, but since this is your first day I'll let it pass." the old teacher said. "Thanks ma,am it won't happen again," Michael said in a serious way.

The school day was over and I was so ready to go home. "Hey, hey bitch, over here!" I heard someone say behind me. At fist I didn't recognise them but then I remembered. It was the trashy girls I walked pass this morning. "What?" I said irritated. "Who do you think you are? ah, do you think you own this school?" The tallest of them said. "I don't want any of your bullshit." I said sitting down on my Vespa scooter. "No, you listen to me," the girl commanded, but I just put on my helmet and drove home.

When I came home I ate some food and went to the basement where I pretty much lived. I sat down on my couch and put on some music. I started to doodle on a pice of paper, but then I got a text from Callie.

Callie: Hey, what are you up to xx

Me: nm, you? Xo

Callie: come over, we can make s'mores xx

Me: I'll be there in 10.

I put on a jacket and went out. I drove to the place I and Callie always meet up. I didn't know that she was there because we haven't been here the two last years. Callie sat under the old pier and played with the sand. No one used this pier because everyone used the pier near the side of the beach where it actually was people.

There was no one at this side of the beach. "Haiiii, I brought Norwegian chocolate for the s'mores," said. Norwegian chocolate was the best. "Great, I found some dry wood for a campfire," Callie said as she showed a lighter.

We made a small campfire and made some s'mores. As we ate the s'mores we talked about how crazy life is. We did that a lot. We watched the sunset and looked at the stars all night. "I liked that one guy with the hair just like yours," Callie said after a little while. "Micheal?" I asked. "Yeah," she answered. "yeah, I like him too, he is a funny guy." I lough. "No, it's like.. I really like him. We had french together and he said so manny cute french words to me, and I think we have a thing for each other," she said in a dreamy mind. "Ohh, so you like him as in like him?" I smirked. "Yeah." she laughed.

The four boys was the only thing on my mind the rest of that day. Is was something about them, something even more about one of them. I actually looked forward to seeing them tomorrow at school. After I went home, I got straight to bed. I wanted to see them as soon as possible.

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